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National Health Act, 2003 (Act No. 61 of 2003)RegulationsRegulations relating to the Surveillance and the Control of Notifiable Medical Conditions, 2017AnnexuresAnnexure BTable 1 : Data elements to be reported by health care providers |
Data elements to be reported by health care providers for Category 1 and Category 2 notifiable medical conditions
First names |
Surname |
Gender (M/F) |
Pregnant (yes/no) |
Citizenship |
ID number |
Passport number (if applicable) |
Other ID number (if applicable) |
Date of birth |
Age |
Patient HPRS-PRN |
Patient File/Folder # |
Hospital number (if applicable) |
Ward name (if hospitalised) |
Residential address |
Telephone number |
Name and address of employer, school or other institution where patient spends much of the day |
Telephone number of employer, school or other institution where patient spends much of the day |
Notifiable medical condition diagnosed |
Method of diagnosis (clinical, lab, x-ray, other) |
ICD10 code |
Clinical symptoms |
Date of onset of symptoms |
Date of diagnosis |
Vaccination status |
Treatment given |
History of possible exposure in the last 60 days (yes/no/unknown) |
Specimens collected (yes or no) |
Specimen type |
Date of specimen collection |
Specimen laboratory barcode/number |
Patient vital status (alive/deceased) |
Date of death |
Patient admission status (inpatient/outpatient/discharged) |
Transferred to another facility (yes/no) |
Name of health establishment if transferred |
Places travelled to in the last 60 days (country, province, locality) |
Dates travelled to and from the place of travel |
Health care provider first name |
Health care provider surname |
Health care provider practice number |
Health care provider mobile number |
Health establishment name |
Health establishment registration number |
Sub-district |
District/Municipality |
Province |
Health establishment contact number |
Date of notification |
Additional information may be requested as and when necessary