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National Health Act, 2003 (Act No. 61 of 2003)RegulationsEmergency Care at Mass Gathering Events Regulations, 20171. Definitions |
In these Regulations, a word or expression to which a meaning has been assigned in the Act, bears the meaning so assigned and, unless the context otherwise indicates—
means a person registered as such with the HPCSA in terms of the Health Professions Act, 1974 (Act No. 56 of 1974);
means a person registered as such with the HPCSA, in terms of the Health Professions Act, 1974 (Act No. 56 of 1974);
means a progressive or sudden, widespread or localised natural or human made occurrence in an urban, peri-urban or rural area which is of a magnitude that exceeds the ability of the Province or a municipality within the Province affected by the disaster, to cope with its effects using only its existing resources and which causes or threatens to cause—
(a) | death, injury or disease; |
(b) | damage to property, infrastructure or the environment; or |
(c) | disruption to a community; |
means the rescue, evaluation, treatment and care of an ill or injured person in a situation in which such emergency evaluation, treatment and care is required, and the continuation of treatment and care during the transportation of such a person to or between health establishments;
means personnel who are registered with the HPCSA under the auspices of the Professional Board for Emergency Care;
means a person registered as such with the HPCSA in terms of the Health Professions Act, 1974 (Act No. 56 of 1974);
means an organisation or body that is dedicated, staffed and equipped to operate an ambulance, medical rescue vehicle or medical response vehicle in order to offer emergency care;
means a person who is duly appointed as the responsible manager for the Emergency Medical Service and who is registered with the HPCSA in terms of the Health Professions Act, 1974 (Act No. 56 of 1974);
the EMS, the SAPS, the Metropolitan Police, the Traffic Police and the Fire Services;
means a situation or a state of affairs relative to the environment which impacts on, or has the potential to impact on the mental, physical and social health and well -being of people;
means the component of a municipality that is responsible to render Municipal Health Services;
means a sporting, entertainment, recreational, religious, cultural, exhibitional or organisational event or similar activity hosted at a stadium, school, venue or along a route or within its precinct;
means an organisation or body that is dedicated, staffed and equipped to operate an ambulance or medical response vehicle in order to offer emergency care at a mass gathering or a high risk event;
means a medical person or organisation appointed by the event organiser to be responsible for the provision and coordination of health and medical services for the event;
means a person who plans, is in charge of, manages, supervises, or holds an event or holds sponsorship rights to, or in any manner controls or has a material interest in the hosting of an event;
means a person who is certified to Level 3 through an accredited training provider registered with the Department of Labour and whose credentialed qualification is current;
means a potentially damaging physical incident or occurrence, phenomenon or human activity (or all of these) that may cause the loss of life, property damage, social and economic disruption or environmental degradation;
means the accounting officer for a provincial health department;
means the Health Professions Council of South Africa established in terms of section 2 of the Health Professions Act, 1974 (Act No. 56 of 1974);
means a committee appointed by the Provincial Emergency Medical Service Manager in terms of regulation 10(1);
means an incident which requires the implementation of special arrangements by one or more of the emergency services;
means an incident in respect of which extraordinary health and medical resources are required owing to the number, severity, type or location of live casualties;
means an event where the expected attendance is more than 1,000 participants simultaneously present at any given time;
means a facility, fixed or temporary, staffed and equipped to provide stabilisation, symptomatic relief and a certain degree of definitive treatment to ill or injured patients;
means a medical person appointed by the event medical service provider to be responsible for the coordination of health and medical services at an event;
means a medical post or medical centre;
means a medical practitioner, registered Primary Health Care nurse, emergency care personnel or first aider;
means a facility, fixed or temporary, staffed and equipped to provide the initial stabilisation of ill or injured patients and the treatment of minor ailments;
means a person registered as such with the HPCSA in terms of the Health Professions Act, 1974 (Act No. 56 of 1974);
means a demarcated space which is designated to restrict the movement of the general public or traffic and which requires a ticket or accreditation with which to access the space;
means a person registered as such
with the South African Nursing Council in terms of the Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005);
means the probability of harmful consequences or losses (deaths, injuries, damage to property, disrupted economic activity or environmental damages) resulting from interactions between hazards and vulnerable conditions, that is quantified;
means the South African Police Service established in terms of section 5 of the South African Police Service Act, 1995 (Act No. 68 of 1995);
means the process of evaluating threats and vulnerabilities, known and postulated, to determine the probability of harmful consequences or losses;
means any area or place where an event is to be hosted, which may consist of a temporary or permanent structure, seating for spectators, attendees or an audience, a field of play or a permanent or temporary podium or other recreational area; and
means a temporary or permanent facility located inside an event venue, which houses an on-site operational control centre involving multi- agency operations, including but not limited to the SAPS, Metropolitan Police, Traffic Police services, fire services, security companies, emergency medical services, disaster management representatives, other relevant municipal services, promoters, the venue managers and other stakeholders.