R 385
National Health Act, 2003 (Act No. 61 of 2003)RegulationsEmergency Care at Mass Gathering Events Regulations, 20177. Responsibilities of provincial EMS manager |
A provincial EMS manager—
(1) | must approve the event risk assessments and medical operational plans for events which must be submitted to him or her at least 6 weeks prior to the event taking place; |
(2) | may convene a pre-event meeting with the event organiser and event medical service provider to review the event risk assessment and operational plan, if it is considered to be inadequate for the size and nature of the event; |
(3) | may substitute the applicant's assessment of the risk score with his or her own score based on a review of the application; |
(4) | if the risk of holding the event is considered to be detrimental to the wellbeing of the spectators or participants, either due to inadequate health and medical services provision, or due to the nature of the event itself, the provincial EMS manager may— |
(a) | augment or replace the event medical service provider with provincial EMS staff, vehicles and equipment, at the cost of the event organiser; |
(b) | refer the event application to the SAPS or the relevant Disaster Management Centre to suspend the event until such time that the deficiencies are rectified; or |
(c) | refer the event application to the SAPS or the relevant Disaster Management Centre to cancel the event; |
(5) | if the provincial EMS manager refers the event application to the SAPS or the relevant Disaster Management Centre for suspension or cancellation, the provincial EMS manager must, within 10 working days of the suspension or cancellation of the event, inform the event organiser, in writing, of the suspension or cancellation of the event and of the event organiser's right to appeal against the suspension or cancellation of the event in terms of regulation 13; |
(6) | the provincial EMS manager must ensure that the operational plan is fully implemented; |
(7) | If the operational plan is not properly implemented due to inadequate numbers and levels of qualification of EMS staff, lack of medical facilities or inadequate number of emergency vehicles, medical supplies or medical equipment, the provincial EMS manager may refer the matter to the SAPS or the relevant Disaster Management Centre to suspend the event until the deficiencies are rectified; |
(8) | the provincial EMS manager may delegate the responsibility for approving an event operational plan to a qualified person within the Provincial or Municipal Emergency Medical Services. |