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National Health Act, 2003 (Act No. 61 of 2003)RegulationsEmergency Care at Mass Gathering Events Regulations, 20179. Processing of application |
On receipt of an application, the provincial EMS manager must—
(1) | issue the applicant, by registered mail or email, with an acknowledgement of receipt of the application, which indicates the date on which the application was received; |
(2) | review the application to determine whether it has been properly completed or whether additional information is required; |
(3) | if he or she is of the opinion that an application form, as contemplated in Annexure A, has been properly completed, he or she must, if it is considered necessary, appoint an Inspectorate to inspect the event site concerned; |
(4) | if the provincial EMS manager is of the opinion that an application form has not been properly completed, or that additional information is required, he or she must inform the applicant of the incompleteness of the application and request the applicant to properly complete the application form or supply the additional information required by a specified date; |
(5) | if an applicant fails to properly complete an application form or to supply the additional information by the date specified by the provincial EMS manager in terms of subregulation (4), the applicant must be regarded as having withdrawn the application; |
(6) | the provincial EMS manager must consider the recommendations of the Inspectorate, if applicable, and make a decision; |
(7) | the provincial EMS manager may, prior to taking a decision in terms of subregulation (6), refer an application back to the Inspectorate with reason/s, if an Inspectorate was appointed, for reconsideration of its recommendations; |
(8) | if the provincial EMS manager refers the application back for reconsideration, the Inspectorate must make its final recommendation on such an application; |
(9) | the provincial EMS manager must consider the final recommendation and make a decision; |
(10) | the provincial EMS manager must, within 15 working days upon receipt of an application, make a decision and inform the applicant, in writing, of the decision; and |
(11) | if the provincial EMS manager refuses the application, he or she must give written reasons for the refusal and inform the applicant of his or her right to appeal the decision in terms of regulation 13. |