R 385
National Heritage Resources Act, 1999 (Act No. 25 of 1999)NoticesDeclaration of the Game Pass Rock Shelter, Kamberg Nature Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal as a National Heritage Site |
Notice No. 365
27 March 2020
GG 43145
Department of Arts and Culture
South African Heritage Resources Agency
By virtue of the powers vested in the South African Heritage Resources Agency, in terms of section 27(5) of the National Heritage Resources Act (No. 25 of 1999) SAHRA hereby declares Game Pass Rock Shelter in the Kamberg Nature Reserve as a National Heritage Site.
Statement of Significance
The San rock painting site of Game Pass Shelter in the Kamberg Nature Reserve, within the Southern Maloti-Drakensberg World Heritage Site, is one of the most extensive painted panels in South Africa. A wide variety of painted figures adorn the shelter walls, including many eland and human figures, as well as numerous therianthropic figures which are interpreted to depict the embodied esoteric experiences and of indigenous knowledge systems of indigenous societies. Within the environmental and cultural context in which the Game Pass Shelter is located in KwaZulu Natal (KZN), the embodied spiritual experience is understood and known as "Idlozi" (spirit-medium/therapy) experience, among other interpretations.
The Rock Paintings at Game Pass Shelter offer an opportunity to acknowledge the spiritual depth and social complexity of South African rock art that reinforces the significant links between tangible and intangible heritage that resonates with local communities, in particular, who continue to incorporate sites, such as Game Pass Shelter, into their living heritage, ancestral historical identity and cultural practices. That is, Game Pass Shelter, as one of the seminal sites in the history of rock art research, represents a key turning point (cf. decolonial gaze) in rock art research and interpretation in South Africa. In terms of the National Heritage Resources Act No. 25 of 1999, Section (3)(c) the site yields information that contributed to an understanding of South Africa’s rock art cultural heritage; and had a profound impact on archaeological research theory in South Africa. Game Pass Shelter, additionally, in terms of the National Heritage Resources Act No. 25 of 1999, Section (3)(h) has strong or special association with the life or work of a person, group or organisation of importance in the history of South Africa. We deem the site to have a strong or special association with the San peoples who are part of the ancestors of existing Sotho, Zulu, Hlubi, Xhosa and Thembu communities, the heritage of the /Xegwi, !Ga !ne, Nqgosini and as such is of importance in the history of South Africa.
Furthermore, this site offers an opportunity to bring the work of 19th-century anthropologists, Lloyd and Bleek, with the !Kun and IXam peoples of the Northern Cape, to a wider audience, and particularly to the attention of local communities who have not been exposed to the testament left to us by IIKabbo and Dia !kwain of the IXam people. The Rock Paintings at Game Pass Shelter offer a comparative opportunity to display elements of the legacy of the IXam legacy - a well-documented primary source of language, narratives, paintings, and spirituality that can be viewed alongside the original rock art of the Eastern San, which will
offer new perspectives and provide a unique experience.
The demarcation of the site is as follows:
Site Name |
Erf No / Farm |
Province |
Nearest Town |
Municipality |
Survey Diagram |
Deed |
Local |
District |
Game Pass Rock Shelter |
Kamburg Nature Reserve |
Mooi River |
Mpofana |
uMgungundlovu |
1868/2004 |
1899/ 2017 |
Lat |
Lon |
A |
S29°23’37.35” |
E29°38’47.38” |
B |
S29°23’38.06” |
E29°38’47.96” |
C |
S29°23’38.05” |
E29°38’47.93” |
D |
S29°23’41.34” |
E29°38’47.93” |