R 385
National Land Transport Act, 2009 (Act No. 5 of 2009)Chapter 1 : General Provisions10. Regulations by MEC |
(1) | An MEC may make regulations with regard to— |
(a) | any matter which, in terms of this Act, may or must be prescribed by an MEC; |
(b) | a code of conduct for operators or drivers of public transport vehicles, which may differ according to the mode of transport concerned; |
(c) | the establishment, membership and procedures of co-ordinating structures for transport planning in the province; |
(d) | frequency of meetings of Provincial Regulatory Entities; |
(e) | procedures at meetings of Provincial Regulatory Entities, quorums and the keeping of records; |
(f) | the powers and duties of Provincial Regulatory Entities; and |
(g) | procedures to be followed in promoting public participation in the transport planning process. |
(2) | The regulations may provide that any person who contravenes a provision thereof or fails to comply therewith, is guilty of an offence and on conviction liable to imprisonment not exceeding three months or to a fine. |
(3) | Regulations made in terms of the Transition Act or preceding legislation and in force immediately before the commencement of this Act with regard to matters in relation to which the MEC, in terms of subsection (1), is competent to make regulations, are regarded for the purposes of this Act as regulations made in terms of this subsection 25 until such time as the MEC makes new regulations under this section. |
(4) | Where an MEC has failed to make regulations on any matter on which provincial regulations are required under this Act, the Minister may within a reasonable time make such regulations after consultation with that MEC. |