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National Land Transport Act, 2009 (Act No. 5 of 2009)Chapter 4 : Transport Planning36. Integrated transport plans |
(1) | All planning authorities must prepare and submit to the MEC, by the date determined by the Minister, integrated transport plans for their respective areas for the five-year period commencing on the first day of the financial year determined by the MEC, and must update them in the prescribed manner and as frequently as prescribed. |
(2) | Integrated transport plans must be in accordance with requirements and in the manner and form as the Minister may prescribe in consultation with the MECs, but the MEC may prescribe the content of integrated transport plans in addition to such requirements, and the aforementioned regulations may prescribe different matters for different types or categories of municipalities. |
(3) | All integrated transport plans must include routes for the transporting of dangerous goods by road through their areas. |
(4) | Each integrated transport plan must be submitted to the MEC for approval by the date determined under subsection (1), which approval must relate only to— |
(a) | monitoring compliance with the provincial land transport framework and with this Act and other applicable legislation; |
(b) | procedures and financial issues that affect the province; |
(c) | seeing that the planning authority followed the correct procedures and otherwise complied with the prescribed requirements; |
(d) | provincial policies and principles regarding transport across the boundaries of planning authorities; |
(e) | modes and aspects of transport under the control of the provincial government or provincial public entities; |
(f) | issues of co-ordination of transport between municipalities, or other institutions; |
(g) | procedures and financial issues that affect the province; and |
(h) | any other matter provided for in provincial laws. |
(5) | The planning authority must submit its integrated transport plan to the Minister for approval of the commuter rail component of the integrated transport plan, within the prescribed manner and time. |
(6) | Every planning authority must make its integrated transport plan available to the National Public Transport Regulator and relevant Provincial Regulatory Entity and make recommendations to them relevant to applications for new operating licences, in the prescribed manner. |