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National Land Transport Act, 2009 (Act No. 5 of 2009)Chapter 6 : Regulation of Road-Based Public TransportPart 3 : Regulation of tourist transport services81. Accreditation of operators of tourist transport services |
(1) | As from a date determined by the Minister, by notice in the Gazette, no one may operate tourist transport services unless accredited by the National Public Transport Regulator. |
(2) | The National Public Transport Regulator must accredit operators of tourist services on application by them if satisfied that they— |
(a) | are fit and proper persons or entities to transport tourists in a manner that is safe and will promote South Africa as a tourist destination; |
(b) | meet the prescribed technical requirements; and |
(c) | have access to acceptable vehicles and maintenance facilities. |
(3) | The National Public Transport Regulator must consider the prescribed matters in deciding whether to grant or refuse an application for accreditation. |
(4) | Such accreditation may specify classes or maximum number of vehicles that may be operated by the particular operator. |
(5) | No such accreditation may be granted unless the National Public Transport Regulator has obtained and considered recommendations from the tourism authority or authorities recognized by the Minister. |
(6) | Accreditation may be granted without such recommendations where such tourism authority has not supplied them in the time specified in the entity's request or where no such requirement is prescribed. |
(7) | The National Public Transport Regulator must keep a register of accredited tourist operators which is available for inspection to any interested person on request, on payment of the prescribed fee. |
(8) | Accredited operators must renew their accreditation every five years in the prescribed manner, failing which their accreditation will lapse. |