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National Land Transport Act, 2009 (Act No. 5 of 2009)


National Land Transport Regulations for the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup

5A. Use of foreign-registered vehicles for the Event


(1) An operator who already holds one or more operating licences or permits for vehicles registered in the Republic and who wishes to bring a vehicle into the Republic temporarily to transport passengers within South Africa during the Event, and the vehicle is properly registered and licensed in a prescribed territory as defined in the National Road Traffic Act or in a country that is a signatory to the Convention defined in that Act, may obtain a temporary operating licence for such vehicle for use during the Event.


(2) An operator contemplated in sub-regulation (1) is, despite the fact that the operator does not hold a permanent operating licence for the vehicle, on application made in terms of the Regulations and on production of a written lease agreement between that operator and the owner of the vehicle, deemed to be the owner of the vehicle for the purposes of section 64(1) of the Act for the validity period of the temporary operating licence.


[Regulation 5A inserted by section 4 of Notice No. R. 398, GG33185, dated 14 May 2010 (Amendment of the National Land Transport Regulations for the 2010 FIFA World Cup)]