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National Land Transport Act, 2009 (Act No. 5 of 2009)
Notice No. 413 of 2009
Chapter 1 : General Purposes
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and scope of Act
3. Application of Act
4. Principles for national land transport policy
5. Functions of Minister
6. Information systems
7. Delegations by Minister
8. Regulations by Minister
9. Functions of MECs
10. Regulations by MEC
Chapter 2 : Institutional Arrangements for Land Transport
11. The responsibilities of the three spheres of government
12. Intergovernmental relations
13. Impartiality
14. Planning authorities
15. Intermodal planning committees
16. Land transport advisory boards
17. Establishment of division for the operating licence function and arrangement of administration of certain municipalities
18. Regulatory functions of municipalities
19. Adjacent municipalities
20. Establishment of National Public Transport Regulator
21. Functions of National Public Transport Regulator
22. Powers of National Public Transport Regulator
23. Establishment of Provincial Regulatory Entities
24. Functions of Provincial Regulatory Entities
25. Powers of Provincial Regulatory Entities
26. Agreements on regulatory matters
27. Municipal land transport funds
28. Public transport user charges
29. Minister may provide funds for land transport
30. MEC may provide funds for land transport
Chapter 4 : Transport Planning
31. General principles for transport planning and its integration with land use and develop
32. Types of plans required by this Act
33. General provisions on transport planning
34. National Land Transport Strategic Framework
35. Provincial Land Transport Frameworks
36. Integrated transport plans
37. Freight transport
38. Publication of transport plans and substantial changes in land use and public transport
39. Rationalization of public transport services
Chapter 5 : Contracting for Public Transport Services
40. Integration of bus contract system into larger public transport system
41. Negotiated contracts
42. Subsidized service contracts
43. Commercial service contracts
44. Requirements to qualify as tenderer for commercial or subsidized service contracts
45. Involvement of municipalities in public transport services
46. Existing contracting arrangements
Chapter 6 : Regulation of Road-Based Public Transport
Part 1 : Transitional provisions
47. Rationalization of existing services: general
48. Rationalization of existing scheduled services
49. Rationalization of minibus taxi-type services
Part 2 : General provisions
50. Regulation of road-based public transport
51. Entities that must issue operating licences
52. Maximum validity period of operating licences
53. Exemptions
54. Application for new operating licence
55. Operating licences for public transport services provided for in transport plans
56. Operating licences for contracted services
57. Disposing of applications with regard to operating licences for non-contracted services
58. Renewal, amendment or transfer of operating licence or permit
59. Publication of decisions
60. Special events
61. Major special events
62. Issue and contents of operating licence
63. Authority conveyed by operating licence
64. Persons who may hold operating licences
65. Long-distance services
66. Metered taxi services
67. Charter services
68. Staff services
69. Lift clubs
70. Tuk-tuks
71. Adapted light delivery vehicles
72. Transporting of scholars, students, teachers and lecturers
73. Amendment of operating licence to replace specified vehicle
74. Temporary replacement of vehicle
75. Interaction between public transport and cross-border road transport
76. Duties of holder of operating licence or permit
77. No cession, alienation or hiring out of operating licence or permit
78. Cancellation of operating licences and permits not in use
79. Withdrawal, suspension or amendment of operating licence or permit
Part 3 : Regulation of tourist transport services
80. Tourist transport services : general provisions
81. Accreditation of operators of tourist transport services
82. Application for accreditation
83. Cancellation of accreditation
84. Certification of vehicles for tourist transport services
Chapter 7 : Law Enforcement
85. Land transport law enforcement
86. Appointment of inspectors
87. Impoundment of vehicles
88. Presumptions and proof of certain facts
89. Powers of authorized officers
90. Offences and penalties
91. Extraordinary measures in declared areas
Chapter 8 : Appeals
92. Appeals to Transport Appeal Tribunal
Chapter 9 : Transitional and Final Matters
93. Transitional provisions
94. Laws repealed or amended
95. Act binds State
96. Short title and commencement
Laws Repealed or Amended
National Land Transport Regulations on Contracting for Public Transport Services, 2009
Notice No. R. 877 of 2009
1. Definitions
2. Negotiated contracts
3. Operating licences and permits in relation to contracts
4. Arrangements for subsidised service contracts
5. Qualifications of tenderers
6. Resolving disputes
7. Mediation
8. Arbitration in urgent matters
9. General matters regarding disputes
10. Short title and commencement
National Land Transport Regulations for the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup
Notice No. R. 1170 of 2009
1. Definitions
2. Operating licences for the Event
3. Application for temporary operating licences for the Event
4. Matters to be checked by the host city
5. Requirements for obtaining a temporary operating licence for the Event
5A. Use of foreign-registered vehicles for the Event
6. Disposing of an application for a temporary operating licence
7. Issuing of a temporary operating licence
8. Particulars to be contained in a temporary operating licence
9. Duties of the holder of a temporary operating licence
10. Roadworthy certification
11. Notification to public
12. Cross-border road transport
13. Fares
14. Law enforcement
15. Offences
16. Status of these regulations
17. Institutional arrangements
18. Short title and commencement
Schedule : Forms
National Land Transport Regulations, 2009
Notice No. R. 1208 of 2009
1. Definitions
Chapter 1 : National Public Transport Regulator
2. Application to NPTR relating to an operating licence for an interprovincial service
3. Application to NPTR for conversion of a permit
4. Meetings of NPTR
5. Powers of NPTR
Chapter 2 : Provincial Regulatory Entities
6. Application to PRE for operating licence
7. Application to PRE for conversion of a permit
8. Meetings of PREs
9. Powers of PREs
Chapter 3 : Municipal regulatory entities
10. Application to municipality for operating licence
11. Application to municipality for conversion of a permit
12. Meetings of operating licence division of municipalities
13. Powers of municipal regulatory entities
Chapter 4 : Operating licences: general provisions
14. Conversion of a permit to an operating licence
15. Applications for recapitalization
16. Applications for operating licences for contracted services
17. Publication of applications
18. Offences to be considered by regulatory entities
19. Hearings by regulatory entities
20. Temporary operating licences for special events
21. Issuing of operating licences
22. Particulars to be contained in an operating licence
23. Duties of holder of an operating licence or permit
24. Particulars to be displayed on vehicles
25. Application for renewal of operating licence
26. Temporary replacement of vehicle
27. Decals
28. Duplicate operating licence or decal
29. Courtesy services
Chapter 5 : Accreditation of tourist transport operators and related matters
30. Application for accreditation
31. Submitting applications to tourism and planning authorities
32. Requirements for accreditation
33. Monitoring of accredited tourist transport operators
34. Application for renewal of accreditation
34A. Applications for operating licences for tourist transport services
35. Certification of vehicles
36. Operating licences for tourist transport operators
37. Cancellation of accreditation
38. Issuing of operating licence for tourist transport vehicle
39. Call centre
40. Fees
41. Transitional provisions
Chapter 6 : Transporting of scholars, students, teachers and lectures
42. Scholar transport
Chapter 7 : General matters
43. Submission of integrated transport plans to NPTR and PREs
44. Stopping of vehicles
45. Offences
46. Transitional provisions: general
47. Transitional provisions: interprovincial services
48. Transitional provisions: tourist transport services
49. Forms and fees
50. Short title and commencement
Schedule 1: Forms
Schedule 2 : Table of Fees
Regulations relating to Minimum Requirements for the Preparation of Provisional Land Transport Frameworks, 2011
Notice No. R. 825 of 2011
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of regulations
3. Principles for preparing Provincial Land Transport Frameworks
4. Process for completion and approval by MEC
5. Minimum contents of Provincial Land Transport Frameworks
6. Repeal of regulations
7. Short title and commencement
Schedule 1
Schedule 2
Regulations on Colour Coding and Branding for Minibuses and Midibuses used for Minibus Taxi-type Services, 2017
Proclamation No. R. 26 of 2017
1. Definitions
2. Application of Regulations
3. Colour coding and branding
4. Advertising on minibuses and midibuses used for minibus taxi-type services
5. Permissible logos and livery
6. No other advertising, logos, stickers, distinguishing marks, identification or livery permissible
7. Maintenance of body paint, stickers and marks
8. Offences
9. Repeal
10. Short title and commencement
North West Land Transport Regulations, 2020
Notice No. 105 of 2021
1. Definitions
2. Establishment of Intervention Team (section 10(1)(a) of Act)
3. Procedure for establishment of Intervention Team
4. Terms of reference of Intervention Team
5. Composition of Intervention Team
6. Term of office of Intervention Team
7. Powers of Intervention Team
8. Entry with warrant
9. Duty to produce documents
10. Duty to answer questions and assist intervention team
11. Remuneration of members of Intervention Team
12. Termination of membership to serve on Intervention Team
13. Short title
Issuance of Operating Licences to the Low-roof 10-Seater Toyota Quantum (Baby Quantum)
Notice No. 416 of 2020
Tax Recapitalization Programme: Surrender of Illegally Converted Toyota Panel Vans
Notice No. 1374 of 2022
Schedule : Notice to Surrender of Illegally Converted Toyota Quantum Panel Vans
Proclamation 54, 2009 - Commencement of certain sections
Commencement of certain sections
Proclamation No. R. 87 of 2009
National Land Transport Act, 2009 (Act No. 5 of 2009)
Laws Repealed or Amended
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