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National Nuclear Regulator Act, 1999 (Act No. 47 of 1999)
Notice No. 1537 of 1999
Chapter 1 : Interpretation
1. Definitions
2. Application of Act, and declaration of nuclear installation
Chapter 2 : National Nuclear Regulator
3. Establishment of National Nuclear Regulator
4. Regulator successor to assets and liabilities of Council for Nuclear Safety
5. Objects of Regulator
6. Co-operative governance
7. Functions of Regulator
8. Control and management of affairs of Regulator
9. Vacation of office of board members
10. Meetings of board
11. Minutes of board meetings
12. Committees of board
13. Remuneration of directors and committee members
14. Delegation and assignment by board
15. Chief executive officer of Regulator
16. Staff of Regulator
17. Funds of Regulator
18. Financial year of Regulator
19. Judicial management and liquidation of Regulator
Chapter 3 : Nuclear Authorisation
20. Restrictions on certain actions
21. Application for nuclear installation or vessel licence
22. Application for certificate of registration or exemption for certain actions
23. Conditions relating to nuclear installation licence, nuclear vessel licence or certific
24. Special conditions relating to nuclear vessel licence
25. Prohibition on transfer of nuclear authorisation
26. Responsibilities of holders of nuclear authorisations
27. Revocation and surrender of nuclear authorisation
28. Fees for nuclear authorisation
Chapter 4 : Financial Security and Liability
29. Financial security by holder of nuclear installation licence
30. Strict liability of holder of nuclear installation licence for nuclear damage
31. Special provisions for liability for nuclear damage caused by vessels
32. Liability of holder of certificate of registration for nuclear damage
33. Claims for compensation in excess of maximum liability
34. Prescription of actions
35. Compensation for injuries of Regulator's employees
Chapter 5 : Safety and Emergency Measures
36. Safety standards and regulatory practices
37. Duties regarding nuclear accidents and incidents
38. Emergency planning
39. Record of nuclear installations
40. Record of nuclear accidents and incidents and access thereto
41. Appointment and powers of inspectors
42. Regulator's powers regarding security of property and premises
Chapter 6 : Appeals
43. Appeal to chief executive officer against inspector's decision
44. Appeal to board against chief executive officer's decision
45. Appeal to Minister against board's decision
46. Appeal to High Court against Minister's decision
Chapter 7 : General
47. Regulations
48. Delegations and assignment by Minister
49. Disagreement between Minister and board
50. Exemption from duties and fees
51. Disclosure of information
52. Offences and penalties
53. Reproduction of documents by Regulator
54. Partial repeal of Act 131 of 1993, and savings
55. Legal succession to Council for Nuclear Safety
56. Short title and commencement
Co-operative Governance in respect of Monitoring and Control of Radioactive Material or Exposure to Ionising Radiation
Notice No. 709 of 2002
1. Definitions
2. Time period for the conclusion of co-operative agreements
3. Procedures, including procedures for public participation
4. Mechanisms for dispute resolution in respect of the conclusion of co-operative agreements
5. Matters that must be provided for in co-operative agreements
Safety Standards and Regulatory Practices
Notice No. R. 388 of 2006
Section 1 : Definitions
Section 2 : Exclusion, exemption, registration, licensing and clearance
Section 3 : Principal radiation protection and nuclear safety requirements
Section 4 : Requirements applicable to regulated actions
Section 5 : Decommissioning
Section 6 : Accidents, incidents and emergencies
Section 7 : General
Annexures 1 - 3
Contents of Annual Public Report on Health and Safety
Notice No. 716 of 2006
1. Definitions
2. Responsibilities of the regulator
3. Contents of the annual report
4. Offence
Keeping of a Record of all Persons in a Nuclear Accident Defined Area
Notice No. 778 of 2006
1. Definitions
2. Responsibilities of the regulator
3. Record of persons
4. Offence
Format for Application for Nuclear Installation Licence or Certificate of Registration or Certificate of Exemption
Notice No. 1219 of 2007
1. Repeal of Regulations
2. Definitions
3. Address for Application
4. Contents of Application
Establishment of a Public Safety Information Forum
Notice No. 968 of 2008
1. Definitions
2. Terms not defined in the Act
3. Responsibilities of holders of a nuclear installation licence
4. Functioning of the Public Safety Information Forum
5. Constitution
Regulations on Licensing of Sites for New Nuclear Installations, 2010
Notice No. R. 927 of 2011
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and scope of regulations
3. Lodging of applications
4. Factors to be considered when evaluating sites for nuclear installation
5. Requirements for a Site Safety Report
6. Period of Validity
7. Title
Co-Operative Agreements Concluded
Notice No. 759 of 2008
Nuclear Authorisation Fees - 2009/2010 financial year
Notice No. 1130 of 2009
Nuclear Authorisation Fees - 2019/2020 financial year
Notice No. 1017 of 2019
National Nuclear Regulator proposed authorisation fees for 2019/20 financial year
Categorisation of the Various Nuclear Installations in the Republic, the Level of Financial Security to be provided by holder of Nuclear Installation Licences in respect of each Category of Nuclear Installation and the manner in which that Financial Secur
Notice No. 1342 of 2019
1. Purpose
2. Definitions
3. Categorisation of nuclear installations
4. Level of financial security to be provided
5. Manner in which financial security is to be provided
6. Financial security in respect of more than one nuclear installation licence
7. General
Notice in terms of section 28 of the National Nuclear Regulator Act, 1999 (Act No 47 of 1999), on fees for Nuclear Authorisations
Notice No. 516 of 2020
Notice No. 19 of 2021
Notice No. 417 of 2021
Notice No. 2128 of 2022
certificate of exemption
means a certificate referred to in
section 22(1)
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