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National Nuclear Regulator Act, 1999 (Act No. 47 of 1999)


Notice in terms of Section 28 of the National Nuclear Regulator Act, 1999 (Act No. 1999), on Fees for Nuclear Authorisations

Notice No. 1130 of 2009



Notice No. 1130

4 December 2009


Department of Minerals and Energy


Under section 28 of the National Nuclear Regulator Act, 1999 (Act No. 47 of 1999), the Minster of Minerals and Energy, on the recommendation of the Board of Directors of the National Nuclear Regulator and in consultation with the Minister of Finance, hereby determine the Schedule, the fees payable to the Regulator in respect of -

a) any application for the granting of a nuclear authorisation;
b) an annual nuclear authorisation fee for the financial year 2009/2010.



Minister of Minerals and Energy






1) In these regulations any word or expression to which a meaning has been assigned in the Act, shall have the meaning so assigned.


Fees payable to the Regulator in respect of any application for the granting of a nuclear authorisation for the financial year 2009/2010


2) For new applications:


R658.79 per hour per person charged to process application documents and site verification visits until application is approved


3) For existing applications under assessment:


Pebble Bed Modular Reactor Pty (Ltd) (PBMR):        R 15,163981.00

PBMR Fuel Fabrication Plant:                        R 4,459,994.00


Fees payable to the Regulator in respect of an annual nuclear authorisation fee (existing authorisations) for the financial year 200912010


4) Nuclear Installation Licences


Eskom Koeberg Nuclear Power Station                        R 34,327,962.00

South African Nuclear Energy Corporation, Pelindaba        R 14,825,982.00

South African Nuclear Energy Corporation, Vaalputs        R 2,675,997.00


5) Certificates of Registration


Certificates of Registration can be found in Government Gazette No. 32753 dated 4 December 2009


6) The Annual nuclear authorisation fee as contemplated in terms of Section 28(b) of the NNR Act in respect of new nuclear authorisations issue between 01 April 2009 and 31 March 2010 in terms of section 22 of the NNR Act shall be calculated on a pro rata basis according to the following formula:


Annual Fee = (0/12) x N


Where O = the annual nuclear authorisation fee for the relevant category of the operation (i.e. large, medium or small operator); and

N= the number of full calendar months from the date of issue of the nuclear authorisation until 31 March 2010.


7) The various types of facilities, related to section 5 above, are categorised as follows:


Types 1 facilities are small users, laboratories and refurbishers

Types 2 facilities are scrap processors, scrap melter and service providers

Types 3 facilities are fertilizers and other lesser mineral processing facilities

Type 4 facilities are medium operators and other lesser mining and mineral processing facilities

Type 5 facilities are large operators which include major mining and mineral processing facilities


8) Formula applied in calculating annual nuclear authorisation fees for the financial year 2009/2010


For the calculation of the authorization fees for 2009-2010 the person-effort for each of the authorizations holders has been revised taken into account past operational experience and also expected increases in workload.


The formula used to calculate the authorisations fees can be available from the National Nuclear Regulator.


9) All fees are VAT exclusive


10) For clarification on any matter relating hereto please be at liberty to contact the Chief Executive Officer, National Nuclear Regulator, PO Box 7106, Centurion, 0046; telephone 012-6747100.