Acts Online
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National Ports Act, 2005 (Act No. 12 of 2005)


National Ports Act (COVID-19 Restrictions on the movement of persons and crew) Regulations, 2020

4. Provision of improved access and hygiene control at sea ports and in licensed sea port operations


(1) The Authority and licensed port operators must provide adequate facilities for washing of hands and the provision of sanitization equipment centres for visitors, sea port workers and management at all entrances and exits at sea port.


(2) All persons entering port shall be screened for COVID-19.


(3) The authority may after consultation with companies providing a service to ships, provide on a user pay principle, sterilization infrastructure and procedures to be followed by personnel who board a vessel for the purpose of providing a service to that vessel.


(4) Security and screening personnel must be provided with appropriate safety gear and equipment.