R 385
National Ports Act, 2005 (Act No. 12 of 2005)RulesPorts RulesAnnexureAnnexure 1 : (Rule (1)(YY)) Inshore Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) Zones |
Annexure 1 : (Rule (1)(YY) Inshore Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) Zones
Item |
Column 1 Vessel traffic services zones |
Column 2 Description |
1 |
Saldanha Bay and approaches |
All South African waters contained within—
A. Cape Columbine B. C. D. Yzerfontein Point
32o 49'.6S 33o 00'.0S 33o 25'.0S 33o 21'.0S |
017o 50'.9E 017o 30'.0E 017o 45'.0E 018o 08'.6E |
2 |
Table Bay and approaches |
All South African waters contained within—
A. Bok Point B. C. D. Duiker Point
33o 34'.0S 33o 45'.0S 34o 00'.0S 34o 02'.4S |
018o 18'.4E 018o 02'.5E 018o 10'.0E 018o 18'.6E |
3 |
Port Elizabeth and approaches |
A1 34°01.7' S 25°47.4' E, a line to St,. Croix Island bearing 330° (T) to the shore high water mark.
B1 33°54.3' S 25°50.0' E, a line to Cape Recife bearing 270° (T) to the shore high water mark.
4 |
Durban and approaches |
A radius of 12 nautical miles from 29°50.2' S and 31°05.8' E to the shore high water mark.
5 |
Richards Bay and approaches |
A radius of 15 nautical miles from south breakwater position 28°48.86' S and 32°05.85' E to the shore high water mark.