Trade Marks Act, 1993
R 385
National Ports Act, 2005 (Act No. 12 of 2005)NoticesDirectives in terms of Section 30(3) of the ActDirectivesChapter 5 : Manner and Form of Participation in the Proceedings of the Regulator20. Register of complaints and appeals |
(1) | The Regulator shall maintain separate registers for complaints and appeals in which the following information is recorded— |
(a) | all complaints received, with details of: the complaint, a brief description of the nature of the complaint, the date the complaint was received and the outcome of the complaint, provided that, if any complaint received is confidential: |
(i) | the register for complaints shall not reflect the identity of the complainant; |
(ii) | the Regulator must keep a separate and confidential register which identifies confidential complainants; |
(iii) | the register identifying confidential complainants will not be available to the public or the Authority and will not be disclosed by the Regulator pursuant to any requests therefor in terms of the Promotion of Access to Information Act of 2000; and |
(iv) | all appeals lodged, with details of: the name of the appellant, a brief description of the decision appealed against and the ground of appeal, the date the appeal was received and the outcome of the appeal. |
(2) | Any interested person may inspect the complaints and appeals registers, but not the confidential complaints register, at the offices of the Regulator during office hours. |