R 385
National Ports Act, 2005 (Act No. 12 of 2005)NoticesDirectives in terms of Section 30(3) of the ActDirectivesChapter 1 : Complaints against the Authority4. Mediation of a complaint |
(1) | If both the complainant and the Authority notify the Regulator, within 15 days of the issue of the mediation notification in terms of directive 3(1)(a) that they consent to mediation of the complaint, the Regulator shall appoint and pay for an independent mediator to facilitate such mediation. |
(2) | The procedure for any mediation conducted in terms of subdirective (1) shall be determined by the mediator appointed by the Regulator. |
(3) | The Regulator, upon being informed by the mediator of the completion of the mediation and the terms of any settlement agreement which may have been reached by the parties, shall issue a Finalisation Notice to the parties setting out the settlement agreement reached between the parties. |
(4) | The settlement of a dispute by the parties and/or the issue of a finalisation notice shall not prevent the Regulator from continuing its own investigation into the complaint if the Regulator is of the view that a continued investigation is necessary. |
(5) | A party to any mediation instituted in terms of subdirective (1) may, at any time before the conclusion of a settlement agreement in terms of subdirective (3), issue a Notice of Withdrawal from Mediation to the mediator, the Regulator and the other party, whereupon the Regulator shall proceed to investigate the complaint in accordance with directive 5. |
(6) | A complainant who consents to mediation in terms of subdirective (1) and who does not issue a Notice of Withdrawal from Mediation before the conclusion of the settlement agreement in terms of subdirective (3) may not lay a further complaint against the Authority concerning the same action or inaction of the Authority in respect of which the mediation was conducted, unless the complaint is that the Authority is in breach of any of the terms of the settlement agreement referred to in subdirective (3). |