Gold Membership
National Qualifications Framework Act, 2008 (Act No. 67 of 2008)NoticesPolicy for the Certification of Candidate Records on the General and further Education and Training Qualifications Sub-FrameworkChapter 3 : Enunciation of Umalusi's Processes and Procedures to develop and manage an appropriate system for the certification of candidate achievements11. Responsibilities of Umalusi for the development and management of an appropriate certification system |
(1) | Umalusi must ensure that policy and regulations governing the qualifications are translated into directives for certification for implementation on the certification processes and system. |
(2) | Umalusi is responsible for ensuring that, through rigorous quality assurance processes, the certificate it issues meets the minimum requirements for the qualification. |
(3) | Umalusi must approve the resulting data during the standardisation and resulting processes and provide feedback on non-approved transactions. |
(4) | Umalusi must process requests for certification and ensure that all candidates who qualified for a certificate are issued with a certificate. |
(5) | Umalusi must ensure that all datasets are processed, records are certified and certificates are issued by ensuring the certification of candidate records and the issuing of certificates to candidates who have achieved a part or full qualification. |
(6) | To certify qualifications, Umalusi must verify that the computer system used by the assessment body complies with the qualification policy and requirements and that the data submitted for certification is reliable and valid. |
(7) | Umalusi manages the certification of candidate records through developing and managing a certification and verification system that complies with policy requirements and Umalusi’s directives for certification, and which verifies and approves data for candidate certification submitted by accredited assessment bodies. |
(8) | Umalusi develops and manages suitable systems, processes and procedures for both the certification and verification of qualifications. |
(9) | Umalusi maintains an updated database of all certificates issued and keeps an audit trail on transactions executed by users on the system. |
(10) | Umalusi controls access to the system and trains users to undertake the processing of information for candidate certification. |
(11) | Umalusi verifies candidate records on request. |
(12) | Umalusi must ensure that National Learners’ Records Database (NLRD) data is submitted 30 days after quality assurance processes are completed. |
(13) | Candidates from unaccredited institutions will not be certified by Umalusi. |