Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996
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National Qualifications Framework Act, 2008 (Act No. 67 of 2008)NoticesPolicy for the Certification of Candidate Records on the General and further Education and Training Qualifications Sub-FrameworkChapter 1 : Definitions, Objectives and Application2. Introduction |
(1) | Umalusi, as the quality council for the General and Further Education and Training Qualifications Sub-framework (GFETQSF), must, in adherence to section 27(i) of the National Qualifications Framework Act, 2008 (Act No. 67 of 2008) (hereinafter referred to as the NQF Act), develop policy to ensure compliance by both private and public assessment bodies regarding quality assurance of assessment. |
(2) | In adherence to the NQF’s objectives, as contemplated in the aforementioned sub-paragraph (1), Umalusi is, in accordance with section 17A(6) of the General and Further Education and Training Quality Assurance Act, 2001 (Act No. 58 of 2001) (hereinafter referred to as the GENFETQA Act), responsible for the issuing of certificates to candidates who have achieved qualifications or part-qualifications, respectively. |
(3) | Certification, as contemplated in sub-paragraph (2) above, is the formal recognition of candidates having successfully completed a qualification or part-qualification. In view of this, Umalusi is mandated to issue such certificates at exit points in general and further education and training. |