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Table of Contents
National Qualifications Framework Act, 2008 (Act No. 67 of 2008)
Notice No. 167 of 2009
Chapter 1 : Definitions, Object and Application of Act
1. Definitions
2. Object of Act
3. Application of Act
Chapter 2 : National Qualifications Framework
4. Framework
5. Objectives of NQF
6. Framework levels
7. Sub-frameworks
Chapter 3 : Responsibilities of Ministers
8. Responsibilities of Minister
9. [Repealed] Responsibilities of Minister of Labour
Chapter 4 : South African Qualifications Authority
10. Continued existence of SAQA
11. Objects of SAQA
12. Accountability of SAQA
13. Functions of SAQA
14. SAQA board
15. Vacation of office by board member and filling of vacancies
16. Committees of board
17. Meetings of board and committees
18. Allowances and remuneration of members of board and committees
19. Appointment of chief executive officer and staff
20. Functions of chief executive officer
21. Funds of SAQA
22. Alienation and encumbrance of property
23. Financial statements, audit and annual report
Chapter 5 : Quality Councils
24. QC for General and Further Education and Training
25. QC for Higher Education
26. QC for Trades and Occupations
27. Functions of QCs
Chapter 6 : Professional Bodies
28. Co-operation with QCs
29. Recognition by SAQA
30. Registration of professional designation
31. Information
Chapter 7 : General Provisions
32. Delegation
32A. Referral of a qualification or part-qualification to the SAQA for verification and evaluation
32B. Offences and penalties
33. Regulations
34. Conflicting interpretation
35. Saving
36. Transitional arrangements
37. Repeal of law
38. Short title and commencement
Date for the Implementation of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF), Act No. 67 of 2008
Notice No. 576 of 2009
[Repealed] Occupational Qualifications Sub-Framework (OQSF) Policy
Notice No. 597 of 2014
Glossary of Terms
Chapter l : The Occupational Qualifications Sub-Framework in context
1 - 4. A single qualifications framework for a diverse system
5 - 6. The legislative context of the QCTO
7 - 10. Purpose of the OQSF
11 - 14. The sub-framework and the NQF
15 - 16. Functions and responsibilities
17 - 22. Qualification standards
23 - 25. Qualifications, volumes of learning and achievements of credits
26 - 28. Accumulation of credits towards qualifications
29 - 30. Work-based learning
Chapter ll : The Character of OQSF
31. Characteristics
32 - 33. Scope and application
34 - 35. Number of levels and level descriptors
36 - 37. Qualification types
38. Qualification descriptors
39. Additional qualifications forming part of the OQF
40. Naming of qualifications
41. Admission to occupational learning
42 - 45. Articulation with other sub-frameworks
46 - 48. Qualifications and statements of results
49 - 50. Recognition of prior learning
51. Certification
Chapter lll : Implementation Date and Transitional Arrangements
52 - 53. The implementation date
54 - 60. Qualifications and curriculum
61 - 62. Minimum admission requirements for external integrated summative assessment
63. Management of Information System
64 - 68. Quality assurance
69. Categories of certification
Appendix 1 to the OQSF Policy Document
Exceptions to the Qualification Types
Policy and Criteria for Recognising a Professional Body and Registering of a Professional Designation for the purposes of the National Qualifications Framework Act, Act 67 of 2008 (as amended, September 2020)
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3 - 7. Introduction and background
8. Objectives
9. Scope
10 - 27. Policy for the recognition of professional bodies
28 - 30. Criteria for the recognition of professional bodies
31 - 43. Policy for the registration of professional bodies
44 - 45. Criteria for the registration of professional designations
46. Implementation and review
Temporary Withdrawal of the Revised Occupational Qualifications Sub-Framework Policy Gazette Number 43062 published 2 March 2020
Notice No. 1014 of 2020
Appointment of the new South African Qualifications Authority Board
Notice No. 1372 of 2020
Determination of the Sub-Frameworks that comprise the National Qualifications Framework
Notice No. 1391 of 2020
The National Qualifications Framework and its Sub-Frameworks
Determination of the Sub-Frameworks
The National Qualifications Framework Levels and Qualification Types
Articulation, Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Accumulation and Transfer
Implementation and Transitional Arrangements
Qualifications not aligned to the NQF Level Descriptions
Policy and Criteria for Credit Accumulation and Transfer within the National Qualifications Framework (as amended, 2021)
Notice No. 321 of 2021
Principles for CAT
Articulation by design
Access to credit accumulation, the recognition of credit, and credit transfer
Quality comparison based on credible methods
Support for the supplementary work needed to address gaps found in CAT processes
Appeals regarding CAT decisions
Criteria for CAT
Criteria for transparency in CAT
Criteria for designing articulation to enable progression in general and access to CAT in particular
Criteria for quality CAT processes
Criteria when requirements are not met and for supplementary work to address gaps after CAT processes
Criteria for appeals regarding CAT decisions
Responsibilities for implementing CAT
Implementation and review
List of acronyms and names
Occupational Qualifications Sub-Framework Policy
Notice No. 1463 of 2021
List of Acronyms
Glossary of Terms
1. Introduction
2. Legislative Context
3. Purpose of the Occupational Qualifications Sub-Framework (OQSF)
4. Scope and Application
5. The Occupational Qualifications Sub-Framework (OQSF)
6. Standards in the OQSF
7. Qualifications, Volumes of Learning and Credits
8. Accumulation of Credits towards Qualifications
9. Qualification Types
10. Qualification Descriptors
11. Naming of Qualifications and Qualification types
12. Access to and Progression in Occupational Learning
13. Work Experience Learning
14. Recognition of completed Training and Assessment
15. Qualification, Part Qualification and Skills Programme Development
16. Skills Development Provider Accreditation
17. Quality Assurance
18. Certification
19. QCTO Management Information System
20. Legal Requirements
21. Non-Compliance with Policy
22. Implementation Date
23. Implementation and Transitional Arrangements
24. Occupational Qualifications Descriptors and Qualification Types
A. General Occupational Certificate
B. Elementary Occupational Certificate
C. Intermediate Occupational Certificate
D. National Occupational Certificate
E. Higher Occupational Certificate
F. Advanced Occupational Certificate
G. Occupational Diploma
H. Advanced Occupational Diploma
I. Specialised Occupational Diploma
[Retracted] Exceptions to the Determination of the Sub-Frameworks that comprise the National Qualifications Framework
Notice No. 2268 of 2022
Policy for the Certification of Candidate Records on the General and further Education and Training Qualifications Sub-Framework
Notice No. 1353 of 2022
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Chapter 1 : Definitions, Objectives and Application
1. Definitions
2. Introduction
3. Objectives
4. Application
Chapter 2 : Legislative Context
5. Underpinning legislation
6. Mandate and responsibilities of Umalusi regarding certification
7. Supplementary documents
Chapter 3 : Enunciation of Umalusi's Processes and Procedures to develop and manage an appropriate system for the certification of candidate achievements
8. Purpose
9. Processes and procedures for the development and management of an appropriate certification system
10. Responsibilities of the assessment bodies for the development and management of an appropriate certification system
11. Responsibilities of Umalusi for the development and management of an appropriate certification system
Chapter 4 : Security of the Certification System and the Safekeeping of Historical Certificate Records
12. Creation of a credible and secure certification environment
13. Unclaimed certificates
14. Access to certificate information and systems
Chapter 5 : Certification of Candidate Achievement
15. Underlying principles for the certification of qualifications registered on the GFETQSF
16. Procedure for the issuing of certificates by means of public or private accredited assessment bodies
17. Certification of foreign qualifications and jointly quality assured qualifications
18. The management of certified data
19. Concessions
Chapter 6 : Regulations
20. Development of regulations
Chapter 7 : Transitional Arrangements and Short Title
21. Transitional arrangements
22. Short title
Policy and Criteria for Credit Accumulation and Transfer (As amended, 2022)
Notice No. 2169 of 2023
1. Definitions and glossary
2. Acronyms and Abbreviations
3. Preamble
4. Background
5. Legislative context
6. Scope and application of this policy
7. Purpose
8. Articulation within the General and Further Education and Training Qualifications Sub-framework
9. Articulation across NQF Sub-frameworks
10. Principles Governing the Implementation of the Policy for Credit Accumulation and Transfer
11. Criteria for CAT Implementation in the GFETQSF
12. Responsibilities for the Implementation of Credit Accumulation and Transfer
13. Conclusion
14. Implementation and Review
The General and Further Education and Training Qualifications Sub-framework
Exceptions to the Determination of the Sub-Frameworks that comprise the National Qualifications Framework
Notice No. 4454 of 2024
Level Descriptors for the South African National Qualifications Framework
Notice No. 943 of 2011
Notice No. 586 of 2012
Appointment of the new South African Qualifications Authority Board
Notice No. 1372 of 2020
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