Right of Appearance in Courts Act, 1995
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National Qualifications Framework Act, 2008 (Act No. 67 of 2008)NoticesPolicy and Criteria for Credit Accumulation and Transfer (As amended, 2022)3. Preamble |
3.1 | Umalusi’s Policy and Criteria for Credit Accumulation and Transfer (CAT) provides for the implementation of CAT in the General and Further Education and Training Qualifications Sub-framework (GFETQSF) within the context of the NQF Act No. 67 of 2008. |
3.2 | This Policy should be read together with the Level Descriptors for the South African NQF, SAQA’s National Policy and Criteria for the Implementation of RPL (as amended) and Umalusi Policy for the Implementation of RPL in the GFETQSF. Where supplementary work or assessment is needed to address gaps found in the CAT processes, the relevant recognised provider may conduct an RPL process to assess the informal and non-formal knowledge and skills of the applicant that may address the gap, and award credits in terms of the RPL policy and rules. |
3.3 | CAT provides for the recognition of credits previously obtained through meeting the relevant credit requirements towards a qualification or part-qualification registered on the NQF. These credits accumulated towards a qualification or part-qualification may be recognised as meeting part of the requirements towards another qualification or part-qualification. Decisions regarding the transfer of credit are made by fully recognised providers of education and training, in line with this CAT Policy and Criteria and the aligned Umalusi policy for CAT, once the necessary evaluations have been completed (section 5 of the SAQA Policy and CAT within the NQF (As amended, 2021)). |
3.4 | In implementing this CAT Policy and Criteria, SAQA and Umalusi seek to achieve the objectives of the NQF by: |
(a) | developing, fostering and maintaining an integrated and transparent national framework for the recognition of learning achievements; |
(b) | ensuring that South African qualifications meet appropriate criteria, determined by the Minister as contemplated in section 8 of the NQF Act No. 67 of 2008, and are internationally comparable; and |
(c) | ensuring that South African qualifications are of an acceptable quality. |