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National Railway Safety Regulator Act, 2002 (Act No. 16 of 2002)
Notice No. 1049 of 2002
Chapter 1 : Definitions and Interpretation
1. Definitions and interpretation
Chapter 2 : Purpose and Application
2. Purpose of Act
3. Application of Act
Chapter 3 : Establishment and Governance of Railway Safety Regulator
4. Establishment of Railway Safety Regulator
5. Objects of Regulator
6. Co-operative governance
7. Functions of Regulator
8. Board of Regulator
9. Chief executive officer of Regulator
10. Staff of Regulator
11. Delegation and assignment by board
12. Vacation of office of board members
13. Meetings of board
14. Minutes of board meetings
15. Committees of board
16. Remuneration of directors and committee members
17. Funds of Regulator
18. Financial year of Regulator
19. Disagreements between Minister and board
20. Reporting to Minister and Parliament
21. Judicial management and liquidation of Regulator
Chapter 4 : Safety Permits
22. Railway undertakings requiring safety permit
23. Application for safety permit
24. Conditions of safety permit
25. Reasons for decision
26. Suspension, revocation and surrender of safety permit
27. Prohibition of transfer of safety permit
Chapter 5 : Safety Management
Part 1 : Safety management systems and standards
28. Safety management systems and safety management system reports
29. Standards
Part 2 : Rolling stock, infrastructure and stations
30. Regulations regarding design, construction, operation and alteration
Part 3 : Non-railway operations affecting safety
31. Regulations regarding infrastructure or activity
Chapter 6 : Entry and Inspection
32. Appointment of railway safety inspector
33. Powers and duties of railway safety inspector
34. Duty to assist railway safety inspector
35. Duty to produce documents
36. Powers of railway safety inspector to deal
Chapter 7 : Railway Occurrence Reporting and Investigations
37. Railway occurrence reporting
38. Railway occurrence investigations
Chapter 8 : Monitoring, Assessment and Information
39. Establishment of national railway safety information
40. Provision of information
41. Access to information
42. Regulations regarding monitoring, assessment and information
Chapter 9 : Appeal and Dispute Resolution
43. Appeal to chief executive officer against decision
44. Appeal to board against decision of chief executive officer
Chapter 10 : Offences and Remedies
45. Offences
45A. Penalties
46. Enquiry in respect of compensation for harm, loss
47. Award of damages
48. Offences in relation to employer and employee
49. Liability of juristic person
Chapter 11 : General Provisions regarding Regulations
50. Making of regulations
51. Consideration of regulations
Chapter 12 : General and Transitional Provisions
52. State bound
53. Limitation of liability
54. Financial assistance
55. International co-operation
56. Effect of delegation and assignment
57. Documents deemed to be properly authorised and issued
58. Documents and steps taken valid under
59. Service of documents
60. Repeal of laws
61. Short title and commencement
Safety Permit Fee Regulations
Notice No. R. 1135 of 2008
1. Definitions
2. Schedule of fees
3. Total rail cost
4. Short title and commencement
Penalty Fee Regulations, 2011
Notice No. R. 105 of 2011
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Application of Regulations
4. Factors considered by the Regulator in imposing a penalty
5. Contravention notice
6. Payment of Penalty by operator
7. Publication of contravention notice
8. Recovery of penalty
9. Service of contravention notice
10. Appeal
11. Annual review of schedule of contraventions and penalties
12. Short title and commencement
Schedule A : Contraventions
Regulations regarding Infrastructure or Activity affecting Safe Railway Operations, 2020
Notice No. 604 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of Regulations
3. Scope of application
4. Identifying and securing railway reserve
5. Activities carried out within and around railway reserve
6. Minimum measures to prevent encroachment
7. Maintenance of railway reserve
8. Elimination or decommissioning of activities within railway reserve
9. Provision of bridges and subways
10. Activities in proximity to railway reserve
11. Reporting
12. Offences and Penalties
13. Appeals
14. Transitional arrangement
15. Short title and commencement
Regulations on Notifiable Railway Occurrences, 2022
Notice No. 1066 of 2022
Part A: General Provisions
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Scope
Part B: Mandatory Notifiable Railway Occurrences
4. General
5. Operational Railway Occurrences
6. Security-related Railway Incidents
7. Precursors or Leading Indicators
8. Fatalities and Injuries
Part C: Railway Occurrence Reporting
9. General
10. Immediate telephonic notification
11. Immediate written notification
12. Daily Occurrence Reports
13. Ad Hoc Reports
Part D: Additional Railway Occurrence Information to be submitted
14. Quarterly Reports
15. Offences and Penalties
16. Short Title
Appendix A: Railway Occurrences
Table 1: Operational Occurrences
Table 2: Security-related Incidents
Table 3: Quarterly Reportable Precursors and Leading Indicators per occurrence category
Table 4: Fatalities and Injuries
Appendix B: Quarterly Reporting Template
Table 1: Operational Occurrences
Table 2: Security-related Occurrences
Table 3: Quarterly Reportable Precursors and Leading Indicators per occurrence category
Table 4: Total Number of Fatalities
Appendix C: 12 Hour Reporting Template
Appendix D: Immediate Reporting Template
Railway Safety and Security Regulations, 2022
Notice No. 1067 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Application
Part A: Railway Security Requirements
4. Security Compliance Requirements
5. Security Management Plan
6. Submission of the Security Management Plan
7. Appointment of a Security Compliance Officer
Part B: Regulations regarding Safety of Persons
8. Compliance Requirements for Safety of Persons
9. Appointment of Safety of Persons Officer
10. Safety of Persons within Station Precinct
11. Submission of Safety of Persons Compliance Plan
12. Oversight by Regulator
13. Reporting
14. Exemptions
15. Offences
16. Penalties
17. Appeals
18. Short title and Commencement
Railway Safety Standards Development Regulations, 2022
Notice No. 1284 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Application
3. Factors to be considered in development, adoption or acceptance of standards
4. Procedure for development, adoption or acceptance of standards or existing standards as regulator standards
5. Procedure for adoption or acceptance of national standards
6. Procedure for development, adoption or acceptance of industry standards
7. Procedures for development, adoption or acceptance of local standards
8. Responsibility, review and amendment of standards
9. Repeal of Regulations
10. Short title
Determination of Safety Permits Fees for the 2011/2012 financial year
Notice No. R. 90 of 2011
Determination of Permits Fees for the 2017/18 financial year
Notice No. 446 of 2017
1. Definitions
2. Application Fees
3. Other Safety Permit Fees for Railway Operations
4. Permit Fee Rates
5. Application of Notice
6. Short Title and Commencement
Determination of Permit Fees for the 2018/19 Financial Year
Notice No. 481 of 2018
1. Definitions
2. Application Fees
3. Other Safety Permit Fees for Railway Operations
4. Permit Fee Rates for Non and Rail-Related Revenue Generating Train Operators, Network Operators and Station Operators
5. Application of Notice
6. Short Title and Commencement
Determination of Safety Permit Fees for the 2019/20 Financial Year
Notice No. 578 of 2019
1. Definitions
2. Application Fees
3. Other Safety Permit Fees for Railway Operations
4. Permit Fee Rates for Non and Rail-Related Revenue Generating Train Operators, Network Operators and Station Operators
5. Permit Fee Rates for Rail-Related Revenue Generationg Train Operators, Network Operators and Station Operators
6. Application of Notice
7. Short Title and Commencement
Determination of Safety Permit Fees for the 2020/21 Financial Year
Notice No. 527 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Application Fees
3. Other Safety Permit Fees for Railway Operations
4. Permit Fee Rates for Non-Rail-Related Revenue Generating Train Operators, Network Operators and Station Operators
5. Permit Fee Rates for Rail-Related Revenue Generating Train Operators, Network Operators and Station Operators
6. Application of Notice
7. Short Title
Determination of Safety Permit Fees for the 2021/22 Financial Year
Notice No. 338 of 2021
1. Definitions
2. Application Fees
3. Other Safety Permit Fees for Railway Operations
4. Permit Fee Rates for Non-Rail-Related Revenue Generating Train Operators, Network Operators and Station Operators
5. Permit Fee Rates for Rail-Related Revenue Generating Train Operators, Network Operators and Station Operators
6. Application of Notice
7. Short Title
Determination of Permit fees under section 23(2) of the Act
Notice No. 2084 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Application Fees
3. Other Safety Permit Fees for Railway Operations
4. Permit Fee Rates for Non-Rail-Related Revenue Generating Train Operators, Network Operators and Station Operators
5. Permit Fee Rates for Rail-Related Revenue Generating Train Operators, Network Operators and Station Operators
6. Application of Notice
7. Short Title
Determination of Safety Permit Fees for the 2023/24 financial year
Notice No. 3053 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Application Fees
3. Other Safety Permit Fees for Railway Operations
4. Permit Fee Rates for Non-Rail-Related Revenue Generating Train Operators, Network Operators and Station Operators
5. Permit Fee Rates for Rail-Related Revenue Generating Train Operators, Network Operators and Station Operators
6. Application of Notice
7. Short Title
Determination of Safety Permit Fees for the 2024/2025 Financial Year
Notice No. 2393 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Application fees
3. Other safety permit fees for railway operations
4. Permit fee rates for non-rail related revenue generating train operators, network operators and station operators
5. Permit fee rates for rail-related revenue generating train operators, network operators and station operators
6. Application of Notice
7. Short title
Proclamation No. 66 of 2009
means Minister of Transport;
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