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National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications Act, 2008 (Act No. 5 of 2008)


Compulsory Specification for Energy Efficiency and Functional Performance Requirements of General Service Lamps (GSLs) - VC 9109

2. Definitions


2.1 For the purposes of this document, the definitions in standards referred in Section 4 of this compulsory specification, shall apply.


2.2 In addition, the following definitions shall apply:


2.2.1 applicant: the manufacturer or importer seeking approval for GSL(s). The applicant shall be an existing legal entity within the Republic of South Africa.
2.2.2 approval: confirmation by the NRCS that a particular GSL(s) satisfies the requirements of this compulsory specification.
2.2.3 arithmetical mean: the average of a set of numerical values, calculated by adding them together and dividing by the number of terms in the set.
2.2.4 beam angle of a directional lamp: the angle between two imaginary lines in a plane through the optical beam axis, such that these lines pass through the centre of the front face of the light source and through points at which the luminous intensity is 50 % of the centre beam intensity, where the centre beam intensity is the value of luminous intensity measured on the optical beam axis. Note 1. For lamps that have different beam angles in different planes, the largest beam angle shall be considered; Note 2. For lamps with user-controllable beam angle, the beam angle corresponding to the ‘reference control setting’ shall be considered.
2.2.5 chromaticity: the property of a colour stimulus defined by its chromaticity coordinates (x and y).
2.2.6 colour rendering index (CRI): the measure of the degree to which the psychophysical colour of an object illuminated by the test illuminant conforms to that of the same object illuminated by the reference illuminant, suitable allowance having been made for the state of chromatic adaptation. CRI is a measure of the ability of a light source to accurately reveal the colours of various objects in comparison with an incandescent source of the same colour temperature.
2.2.7 colour-tuneable lamp (CTL): a connected lamp (CL) using LED or OLED technology, that can be set to emit light with a large variation of colours outside the range defined in the scope, but can also be set to emit white light inside the colour range defined in the scope, and with which the lamp is in the scope of this Regulation. The term does not include tuneable-white lamps that can only be set to emit white light, with different colour temperatures, within the range defined in the scope. The term also does not include dim-to-warm lamps, that shift their white light output to lower colour temperature when dimmed, simulating the behaviour of incandescent light sources.
2.2.8 connected lamp (CL): a general service lamp including data-connection parts that are physically integrated with the light emitting parts in a single inseparable housing, and where the data-connection parts cannot be disconnected, switched-off or their power consumption minimised.
2.2.9 correlated colour temperature (CCT): the temperature of the Planckian radiator whose perceived colour most closely resembles that of a given stimulus at the same brightness and under specified viewing conditions. Units: K. Lamps with a high CCT, e.g. 6500K, produce blueish-white light, whereas those with a low CCT of 2700K produce light that is more yellowish-white.
2.2.10 data-connection parts: parts that perform one of the following functions: a) reception or transmission of wired or wireless data signals and the processing thereof (either used to control the light emission function or otherwise), b) sensing and processing of the sensed signals (either used to control the light emission function or otherwise), c) actuation by audio control (including voice control), d) a combination of these.
2.2.11 declaration report: a report that is issued by an accredited conformity assessment body, indicating the equivalence of standards.
2.2.12 directional lamp (DL): a lamp which has a beam angle (as defined in IEC 61341:1994 and measured in accordance with CIE S025:2015) of no more than 90 degrees in at least one plane and that being in at least one plane for an asymmetric beam lamp. These lamps are also known as reflector lamps and are commonly installed in recessed cans or track lighting.
2.2.13 displacement factor: (also called fundamental power factor) quantifies the displacement (phase-shift) between the fundamental current and voltage waveforms by calculating the cosine of the phase-shift angle. Displacement factor is a more detailed measure to quantify the displacement of the current and its effect on the power supply network.
2.2.14 endurance test: (also called a supply switching test) is the switching on and off of a lamp to simulate how the product will perform over its lifetime. The test is carried out to stress the lamp over a period of time to help determine the failure rates and luminous flux maintenance of that product.
2.2.15 family: a group of lamps, luminaires, light modules or drivers with the same brand name that has essentially identical: (1) physical characteristics and construction, (2) system design and performance, and (3) quality and safety characteristics. Any variation within a family of models shall have little or no effect on the efficacy and performance of those models.
2.2.16 flicker: the perception of visual unsteadiness induced by a light stimulus the luminance or spectral distribution of which fluctuates with time, for a static observer in a static environment. The fluctuations can be periodic and non-periodic and may be induced by the light source itself, the power source or other influencing factors.
2.2.17 fluorescence or fluorescent light source (FL): the phenomenon or a light source using an electric gas discharge of the low-pressure mercury type in which most of the light is emitted by one or more layers of phosphors excited by the ultraviolet radiation from the discharge. Fluorescent light sources may have one ('single-capped') or two ('double-capped') connections (‘caps’) to their electricity supply. For the purposes of this Regulation, magnetic induction light sources are also considered as fluorescent light sources.
2.2.18 gas discharge: a phenomenon where light is produced, directly or indirectly, by an electric discharge through a gas, plasma, metal vapour or mixture of gases and vapours.
2.2.19 general illumination purposes: for the purposes of this compulsory specification, means any light source that meets the requirements of Section 1.1 and is not exempted under Section 1.2.
2.2.20 general service lamp (GSL): includes a light source that meets the requirements of Section 1.1 but is not one of the exclusions in Section 1.2.
2.2.21 halogen lamp: gas-filled lamp containing halogens or halogen compounds, the filament being of tungsten.
2.2.22 high-intensity discharge: ‘high intensity discharge’ (HID) means an electric gas discharge in which the light-producing arc is stabilised by wall temperature and the arc chamber has a bulb wall loading in excess of 3 Watts per square centimetre. ‘Gas discharge’ means a phenomenon where light is produced, directly or indirectly, by an electric discharge through a gas, plasma, metal vapour or mixture of gases and vapours. For the purpose of this Regulation, HID light sources are limited to metal halide, high-pressure sodium and mercury vapour types.
2.2.23 illumination: the application of light to a scene, objects or their surroundings so that they may be seen.
2.2.24 incandescence: emission of optical radiation by the process of thermal radiation. In light sources incandescence is typically produced by the passage of an electric current through a threadlike resistive conductor (‘filament’) which creates heat.
2.2.25 lamp: a light source made in order to produce an optical radiation, usually visible. Note: The term "lamps" is often referred to as a globe, bulb or light bulb.
2.2.26 lamp cap: that part of a lamp which provides connection to the electrical supply by means of a lampholder or lamp connector and, in most cases, also serves to retain the lamp in the lampholder.

Note 1: The term base is also used in both the United Kingdom and the US to denote an integral part of a lamp envelope which has been so shaped that it fulfils the function of a cap. It may engage either a holder or a connector, depending on other design features of the lamp- and holder system.

Note 2: The cap of a lamp and its corresponding holder are generally identified by one or more letters followed by a number which indicates approximately the principal dimension (generally the diameter) of the cap in millimeters.

2.2.27 life (of a lamp): the total time for which a lamp has been operated before it becomes useless or is considered to be so according to specified criteria. Note: Lamp life is usually expressed in hours.
2.2.28 light emitting diode (LED): a technology in which light is produced from a solid-state device embodying a p-n junction of inorganic material or organic material. This latter case is also known as ‘organic light emitting diode’ (OLED). In both cases the junction emits optical radiation when excited by an electric current.
2.2.29 lumen (lm): an SI unit of luminous flux which is emitted in unit solid angle (steradian) by a uniform point source having a luminous intensity of 1 candela. It indicates the amount of light the lamp provides.
2.2.30 luminaire: an apparatus which distributes, filters or transforms the light transmitted from one or more lamps and which includes, except the lamps themselves, all the parts necessary for fixing and protecting the lamps and, where necessary, circuit auxiliaries together with the means for connecting them to the electric supply.
2.2.31 luminous efficacy (ηv or Φv): expressed in lm/W, quotient of the luminous flux emitted by the electric power consumed by the light source. It is an expression of how energy efficient a lamp (or bulb) is at producing visible light.
2.2.32 luminous flux or flux (Φ): expressed in lumen (lm), means the quantity derived from radiant flux (radiant power) by evaluating the electromagnetic radiation in accordance with the spectral sensitivity of the human eye. If not specified differently, it refers to the rated, maximum initial luminous flux of a light source, after a short operating period, and to the total flux emitted in a solid angle of 4π steradians (corresponding to a 360˚ sphere).
2.2.33 model: refers to all the units in a product line from the same manufacturer, sold under the same brand name, and which are identical except for a serial number or other identifying mark. Any variation within a product line of models shall have no effect on the efficacy and performance of those models and shall only be due to natural manufacturing variation observed within otherwise identical units.
2.2.34 non-directional lamp (NDL): a general service lamp that is not a directional lamp.
2.2.35 NRCS: National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications as established by the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications Act, 2008 (Act No. 5 of 2008).
2.2.36 passive adaptor: (also called lampholder adaptor) a connecting device capable of being inserted into a lampholder and has outlet facilities for connection to a flexible cord or integral flexible cord or fitted with lampholders. The adaptor may incorporate electronic circuits to control the output.
2.2.37 proof of approval: a Letter of Authority (LoA) issued by the NRCS, which confirms that a particular GSL(s) satisfies the requirements of this compulsory specification.
2.2.38 rated life, L70B50: for LED and OLED light sources means the time in hours between the start of their use and the moment when for 50% of a population of light sources the light output has gradually degraded to a value below 70% of the initial luminous flux. This is also referred to as the L70B50 lifetime.
2.2.39 rated luminous flux (of a model of lamp): the value of the initial luminous flux of a given model of lamp declared by the manufacturer or the responsible vendor, the lamp being operated under specified conditions. Unit: lm. Note 1: The initial luminous flux may be the luminous flux of a lamp after a short ageing period, as specified in the relevant lamp standard. Note 2: The rated luminous flux is sometimes marked on the lamp. (IEC).
2.2.40 rated power (of a model of lamp): the value of the consumed electrical power by a given model of lamp declared by the manufacturer or the responsible vendor, the lamp being operated under specified conditions. Unit: W. Note: The rated power is usually marked on the lamp. (IEC).
2.2.41 rated voltage or rated voltage range: the nominal voltage/range of voltage at which a piece of electrical equipment is designed to operate.
2.2.42 reference control setting: a control setting or combination of control settings that is used to verify compliance of a light source with this regulation. These settings are relevant for light sources that allow the end-user to control, manually or automatically, directly or remotely, the luminous intensity, colour, colour temperature, spectrum, and/or beam angle of the emitted light.

The reference control settings shall be those predefined by the manufacturer as factory default values, and encountered by the user at first installation (out-of-the-box values). If the installation procedure foresees an automatic software update during first installation, or if the user has the option to perform such an update, the resulting change in settings (if any) shall be taken into account.

The light source manufacturer shall define the reference control settings such that:

(a) The light source is in scope of this compulsory specification according to 1.1 and none of the conditions for exemption of 1.2 applies (if this is not possible, the light source is out-of-scope or exempted);
(b) The adjustable/selectable beam angle is the narrowest available;
(c) The power consumption of lighting control parts and non-lighting parts is minimal (if these parts cannot be disconnected or switched-off);
(d) The full-load condition is obtained (maximum initial luminous flux given the other chosen settings); and
(e) When the end-user opts to reset factory defaults, the reference control settings are obtained.
2.2.43 short term flicker indicator (PstLM): a measure of flicker evaluated over a duration of at least 180 seconds in accordance with IEC 61547-1.
2.2.44 stroboscopic effect: a change in motion perception induced by a light stimulus the luminance or spectral distribution of which fluctuates with time, for a static observer in a non-static environment.
2.2.45 stroboscopic effect visibility measure (SVM): stroboscopic effect evaluated over a specified time interval of a relatively short duration. The duration is at least 1 second, in accordance with CIE TN 006 and IEC TR 63158.
2.2.46 valid test report: a copy of an original test report.