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National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications Act, 2008 (Act No. 5 of 2008)


Compulsory Specification for Energy Efficiency and Functional Performance Requirements of General Service Lamps (GSLs) - VC 9109

5. Referenced Test Standards and Compliance Certification


The metrics, referenced standards and compliance certification criteria are set out in this Section, with consideration of:


(a) The latest edition of the referenced standards (including any amendments) applies.
(b) The same sample of lamps may be used for certain metrics as set out in the test sequence in Annex B
(c) The required levels, sample sizes and compliance criteria for compliance certification by suppliers shall be the same as requirements in the referenced standards.


Table 7: Relevant test standards and compliance certification


N1825 Table 7 (1)

N1825 Table 7 (2)

N1825 Table 7 (3)


2 There is no tolerance associated with this metric as it is a fixed requirement and it is up to the manufacturer to declare an L70B50 value to meet it.

3 Intrinsic performance is where test is conducted with a stable mains voltage without fluctuations