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National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications Act, 2008 (Act No. 5 of 2008)


Compulsory Specification for Efficiency Requirements of Electric Motors (VC9113)

6. Conformity to Referenced Standards


6.1 For the purposes of this compulsory specification, a new edition of a referenced standard shall become effective twelve (12) months period from the date of publication as a South African National Standard.


6.2 Notwithstanding the provision in 6.1, products that are already compliant with the new edition of the SANS may be considered acceptable for application processes in Annex A of this compulsory specification.


6.3 When a new edition of a referenced standard is published, products originally approved in accordance with the previous edition of that standard may have their approval extended, subject to the requirements of Annex A, unless declared otherwise by the Minister.