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National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications Act, 2008 (Act No. 5 of 2008)


Compulsory Specification for Efficiency Requirements of Electric Motors (VC9113)

Annexure A : Approval of Electric Motors




An application for approval of each type of electric motor intended for sale or replacement shall include:

A1.1 Details of the type of electric motor(s) for which approval is sought and the standard(s) to which it is claimed to conform;
A1.2 Details of the manufacturing plant(s) in which the electric motor type is produced;
A1.3 For new applications, proof of conformity, with all the requirements of this compulsory specification, issued less than 36 months before the date of submission to the NRCS;
A1.4 On expiry of the approval, an application for an extension may be granted, provided that all the conditions of the previous approval were met. In this case, proof of compliance, with all the requirements of the relevant compulsory specification, issued less than 60 months before the date of submission to the NRCS, shall be required;
A1.5 Identification markings and other information appearing on the product; and
A1.6 Any reasonable additional information, in order to clarify the above that may be requested by the NRCS .




A2.1 The NRCS shall assess the evidence of conformity supplied by the applicant and shall decide to grant approval or not, at its sole discretion.
A2.2 The NRCS shall assign a unique number to each approval.
A2.3 The NRCS shall issue a Letter of Authority (LOA) for each successful application, to the applicant, when all the requirements have been met. The validity period of the LOA shall be three (3) years.
A2.4 The LoA may be extended for three (3) years as in A.1.4 of this compulsory specification.
A2.5 The approval granted with respect to each type of electric motor that is pursuant to this compulsory specification may be withdrawn at any time, after the manufacturer has been notified in writing, if the requirements have not been met or maintained.




It is expected that the industry would put in place mechanisms to ensure that on the date of implementation , all motors on the market comply to the requirements of the compulsory specification. However, should there be any existing stock on the market at the time of implementation:

A.3.1 Sales permits will be issued to successful applicants for the purposes of depleting existing stocks on the market.
A.3.2 The sales permit will be valid for a maximum of 12 months from the effective date of this compulsory specification.
A.3.3 These sales permits are not intended for new products/imports after the effective date. New products/imports would be subject to Letter of Authority requirements described in Section A1 and A2.