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National Research Foundation Act, 1998 (Act No. 23 of 1998)1. Definitions |
In this Act, unless the context otherwise indicates—
means the Board referred to in section 6;
means the person appointed as chairperson of the Board under section 6(1)(a)(i);
means the person appointed as the chief executive officer of the Foundation under section 10;
means the Department responsible for science and technology;
[Definition inserted by section 1(a) of Notice No. 637, GG 42441, dated 6 May 2019]
means a division of the Foundation envisaged in section 12;
[Definition substituted by section 1(b) of Notice No. 637, GG 42441, dated 6 May 2019]
means the executive management committee referred to in section 9;
means the National Research Foundation, established by section 2;
[Definition deleted by section 1(c) of Notice No. 637, GG 42441, dated 6 May 2019]
[Definition deleted by section 1(d) of Notice No. 637, GG 42441, dated 6 May 2019]
means the Minister responsible for science and technology;
means an institution that provides unique and substantial infrastructure, capabilities and services for competitive research, innovation and human capacity development in science, engineering and technology, and has been determined as such under section 5;
[Definition inserted by section 1(f) of Notice No. 637, GG 42441, dated 6 May 2019]
[Definition deleted by section 1(e) of Notice No. 637, GG 42441, dated 6 May 2019]
[Definition deleted by the Science and Technology Laws Amendment Act No. 16 of 2011];
means a regulation made under this Act;
means the generation, preservation, augmentation and improvement of knowledge by means of scientific investigations and methods in the field of science and technology;
means the institution conducting research as recognised by the Minister in terms of section 5A;
[Definition substituted by section 1(g) of Notice No. 637, GG 42441, dated 6 May 2019]
includes any system of knowledge attained by verifiable means and the organized body of knowledge humans have gained by research;
means participation by the public in a programme aimed at generating public response to science, which includes but is not limited to awareness, accumulation of knowledge, enjoyment, opinion formulation and scientific literacy;
[Definition inserted by section 1(h) of Notice No. 637, GG 42441, dated 6 May 2019]
means the manner through which knowledge accumulated through research or observation finds practical application;
[Definition substituted by section 1(i) of Notice No. 637, GG 42441, dated 6 May 2019]
includes the regulations.