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National Road Traffic Act, 1996 (Act No. 93 of 1996)Chapter II : Application of Act and minimum requirements3I. Powers and duties of traffic officer |
1) | In addition to the powers and duties conferred upon him or her or under this Act, a traffic officer may, subject to the provisions of this Act or any other law – |
a) | exercise or perform any of the powers or duties conferred upon an inspector of licences under section 3F; |
b) | when in uniform, require the driver of any vehicle to stop such vehicle; |
c) | inspect and test or cause to be inspected and tested by a person whom he or she considers competent to do so, any part and the functioning of any vehicle, and the equipment thereof, with a view to ascertaining whether the vehicle concerned or the functioning thereof and the equipment comply with the provisions of this Act: Provided that no officer or person instructed by the officer to inspect or test such vehicle shall, in the exercise of the power hereby conferred upon him or her, dismantle the mechanism or any working parts of any motor vehicle unless he or she is also a qualified motor mechanic or has passed an examination for examiners of vehicles as prescribed, and if he or she has so dismantled the vehicle, he or she shall reassemble the dismantled mechanism or parts to the same condition in which it was before it was dismantled unless he or she is requested by the person in charge of the vehicle not to do so; |
d) | ascertain the dimensions of, the load on, or the mass, axle mass load or axle unit mass load of, any vehicle, or the mass of any combination of vehicles, loaded or unloaded, and if necessary for the purpose of ascertaining such mass, require any vehicle or combination of vehicles to proceed to a mass-meter or mass-measuring device, and if the mass of any vehicle or combination of vehicles exceeds the mass allowed in terms of this Act, prohibit the operation of the vehicle or combination of vehicles on a public road until the mass has been reduced or adjusted to comply with this Act: Provided that where the load on a vehicle includes any hazardous substance as contemplated in the Hazardous Substances Act, 1973 (Act No. 15 of 1973), the reduction and handling of the mass shall be undertaken in terms of that Act; |
e) | drive any vehicle where necessary in the performance of his or her duties if, in the case of a motor vehicle, he or she is licensed to drive a motor vehicle of the class concerned; |
f) | if a person, being the driver or the person apparently in charge of a motor vehicle, appears, by reason of his or her physical or mental condition, howsoever arising, to be incapable for the time being of driving or being in charge of that vehicle, temporarily forbid the person to continue to drive or be in charge of that vehicle and make the arrangements for the safe disposal or placing of the vehicle as in his or her opinion may be necessary or desirable in the circumstances; |
g) | regulate and control traffic upon any public road, and give such directions as may, in his or her opinion, be necessary for the safe and efficient regulation of the traffic, which may include the closing of any public road, and, where he or she is of the opinion that the driver of a motor vehicle is hampering or impeding the normal flow of traffic on a public road, direct the driver to remove the vehicle from such road and to follow another route with the vehicle; |
h) | require any person to furnish his or her name and address and other particulars which are required for his or her identification or for any process if the officer reasonably suspects this person of having committed an offence in terms of this Act or any other law or, if in the opinion of the officer, he or she is able to give evidence in regard to the commission of any such offence; |
i) | in respect of any motor vehicle, demand from the owner, operator or driver thereof to produce any document prescribed in terms of this Act; |
j) | impound any document referred to in paragraph (i) produced to him or her and which in his or her opinion may afford evidence of a contravention of or failure to comply with any provision of this Act or any other law related to road traffic matters and where any document is so impounded, the traffic 05cer shall issue a receipt in respect thereof to the person concerned; |
k) | require any professional driver or the operator or owner of any motor vehicle to produce for inspection and [o have a copy made of— |
i) | any record or document which that person is required in terms of this Act to carry or have in his or her possession or which is required to be affixed to any such motor vehicle; or |
ii) | any record which that person is required in terms of this Act to preserve; |
l) | at any time enter any motor vehicle; |
m) | of an operator and inspect such vehicle, at any time enter upon any premises on which he or she has reason to believe that a motor vehicle of an operator is kept or any record or other document required to be kept in terms of this Act is to be found, and inspect such vehicle and copy any such record or document, which he or she finds there; |
n) | if he or she has reason to believe that an offence in terms of this Act has been committed in respect of any record or document, inspected by him or her, impound that record or document, and where any document is so impounded, the traffic officer shall issue a receipt in respect thereof to the person concerned; |
o) | inspect any motor vehicle or part thereof and impound any document issued in connection with the registration and licensing of such motor vehicle which relates to the motor vehicle, where it is found that the engine or chassis number of the motor vehicle differs from the engine or chassis number as specified on the document, and direct that the motor vehicle be taken, forthwith, to any police station specified by the traffic officer for police clearance, and may after such clearance has been obtained, return the impounded document to any person who is entitled thereto, or notify the owner of the motor vehicle concerned that the vehicle must be re-registered, as the case may be; and |
p) | require from the owner, operator or driver of a motor vehicle registered or deemed to be registered in any prescribed territory, police clearance in respect of the motor vehicle before allowing the motor vehicle to be taken across the borders of the Republic: Provided that the chief executive officer may exempt any owner, operator or driver in the prescribed manner from having to provide such police clearance. |