R 385
Part I : Testing stations, roadworthy certificates and certification of roadworthiness |
130. Manner of application of approved person or body of persons to register testing station
131. Requirements to be met for registration of testing station
132. Manner of registration of a testing station
133. Notification of change of particulars of testing station
134. Approval of appointment of examiner of vehicles prior to appointment
135. Grades of testing stations
136. Manner of suspension or cancellation of registration of a testing station
137. Duties of a testing station proprietor
137A. Duties of a management representative
137C. Transitional provision for registering testing station operating without agreement
137D. Fee to defray expenditure incurred by inspectorate of testing stations
137E. Powers and duties of the inspectorate of testing stations
138. Certification of roadworthiness required in certain circumstances
139. Manner of application for certification of roadworthiness
140. Examination and testing of motor vehicle for roadworthiness
141. Manner of certification of roadworthiness
142. Certain classes of motor vehicles requiring roadworthy certificate
143. Issue of roadworthy certificate
144. Voidness of roadworthy certificate
145. Period of validity of roadworthy certificate
146. Provisions of Acts to prevail
148. Notice in terms of section 44 of Act to discontinue operation of motor vehicle