R 385
National Road Traffic Act, 1996 (Act No. 93 of 1996)NoticesK53 Practical Driving Test for Motor Vehicle Drivers, Volume 1 - Light Motor Vehicles : Code B6. The modulesModule 19: Turn in the Road |
- | Position vehicle at starting point. |
- | Stop. |
- | Apply parking brake, select neutral and wait for instructions. |
1. | Check rear-view mirror(s) and blind spot to the right. |
2. | Signal intention. |
3. | Select gear. |
4. | Obtain clutch control. (Manual transmission) |
5. | Observe. |
6. | Release parking brake. |
7. | Move off driving forwards and turn steering wheel as far as possible to the right. |
8. | Counter steer. |
9. | Stop. |
10. | Apply parking brake, if applicable. |
11. | Check rear-view mirror(s) and blind spot to the left. |
12. | Signal intention. |
13. | Select reverse gear. |
14. | Obtain clutch control. (Manual transmission). |
15. | Observe. |
16. | Release parking brake, if applicable. |
17. | Move off in a rearward direction and turn steering wheel to the left. |
18. | Counter steer. |
19. | Stop. |
20. | Apply parking brake, if applicable. |
21. | Check rear-view mirror(s) and blind spot to the right. |
22. | Signal intention. |
23. | Select gear. |
24. | Obtain clutch control. (Manual transmission) |
25. | Observe. |
26. | Release parking brake, if applicable. |
27. | Move off driving forward, and keep left. |
28. | Cancel signal. |
Note A:
This manoeuvre shall be completed in three (3) movements, that is, two forward and one reverse.
Note B:
The indicated boundary line shall not be touched with any wheel. Should the applicant touch the line, a circle shall be drawn around the black block "M.kerb/T. line" and the test shall be discontinued.
Note C:
To complete this manoeuvre all wheels of the vehicle shall exit the demarcated area on the left hand side. (Left side of the broken centre line).
Should the applicant end on the right side of the roadway a circle shall be drawn around the black block "No mve".
Note D:
(1) | Count. St. ............................................ |
is meant that
— | the applicant turns the steering wheel while the vehicle is stationary and |
— | that the applicant does not turn the steering wheel immediately prior to coming to a standstill so that the wheels are not at least straight. (See definition of "Counter steer") |
Note E:
Stopping and moving off in the same direction is not regarded as another movement. Stopping is permitted at any stage during a movement, however, an observation shall be done before moving off, if stationary for longer than 5 seconds.
Note F:
Should the vehicle roll, a circle shall be drawn around the black block "Roll" and the test shall be discontinued.
Note G:
Only one attempt shall be permitted.
Note H:
Should the applicant decide not to use the parking brake during this manoeuvre he/she shall not be penalised.
Note I:
Should the incorrect gear be selected when moving off from the starting point this shall not be regarded as an attempt.