R 385
National Road Traffic Act, 1996 (Act No. 93 of 1996)NoticesK53 Practical Driving Test for Motor Vehicle Drivers, Volume 2 - Heavy Motor Vehicles : Codes CI, C, ECI and EC6. The modulesModule 21: Gear Changing - up (manual transmission) |
1. | Maintain speed. |
2. | Place left foot on clutch pedal. |
3. | Start depressing clutch approximately to contact point. |
4. | Release accelerator pedal smoothly and completely whilst depressing clutch pedal completely. |
5. | Place right foot on accelerator pedal. |
6. | Select gear. |
7. | Replace hand to appropriate position on steering wheel. |
8. | Start releasing clutch pedal slowly and smoothly to contact point. |
9. | Depress accelerator pedal smoothly and progressively whilst releasing clutch pedal completely. |
10. | Remove foot completely from clutch pedal. |
Note A:
Gears should be changed, where possible, whilst travelling on a straight course.
Note B:
Numbers 3, 4, 5 and 6 may be done in one flowing movement.
Note C:
Numbers 8, 9 and 10 may be done in one flowing movement.