R 385
National Road Traffic Act, 1996 (Act No. 93 of 1996)RegulationsNational Road Traffic Regulations, 2000Chapter VIII : Transportation of Dangerous Goods and Substances by Road273A. Incorporation of standards |
South African National Standards SANS 1518 "Transportation of dangerous goods - design of vehicles, tanks and accessories for the transport of dangerous goods and SANS 10228 "The identification and classification of dangerous goods for transport", SANS 10229 "Packaging of dangerous goods for road and rail transportation in South Africa", SANS 10231 "Transportation of dangerous goods - Operational requirements for road vehicles", SANS 10232-1 "Transportation of dangerous goods - Emergency information systems Part 1: Emergency information system for road transport", SANS 10232-3 "Transportation of dangerous goods - Emergency information systems Part 3: Emergency response guides"; SANS 10232-4 "Transportation of dangerous goods - Emergency information systems Part 4: Transport emergency card" and SANS 10233 Transportation of dangerous goods - Intermediate bulk containers for road and rail transport" are incorporated into these regulations by notice published by the Minister in the Gazette;
[Regulation 273A substituted by regulation 66 of Notice No. R. 846 of 2014]
[Commencement date of regulation 273A: 3 August 2001]