R 385
Part III : General |
52. Procedure for change of particulars of title holder or owner of registered motor vehicle
53. Duty of title holder and owner of motor vehicle where such title holder or owner changes
53A. Display of motor vehicle for sale on premises of motor dealer
54. Procedure if motor vehicle is stolen
55A. Procedure if motor vehicle is impounded by South African Police Service
56. Number to be affixed to motor vehicle
56A. Vehicle Identification Number to be affixed to a motor vehicle
57. Penalties for late registration or licensing
58. Registration and licence fees not payable in respect of certain vehicles
59. Arrear fees for licensing of motor vehicle or motor trade number
61. Procedure when cheque is dishonoured
62. Duty to furnish information
63. Duty of registering authority in respect of records
64. Confirmation of information in respect of motor vehicle
64A. Manner of application for registration as an external road traffic register user
64B. Manner of registration as an external road traffic register user
64C. Conditions for registration as an external road traffic register user
64D. Manner of suspension or cancellation of registration as an external road traffic register user
65. Exporting of motor vehicle
66. Manner in which mass measuring certificate to be obtained
67. Manufacturer, builder or importer to provide certificate
68. Registration certificate to be submitted by owner and title holder under certain circumstances