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National Road Traffic Act, 1996 (Act No. 93 of 1996)NoticesK53 Practical Driving Test for Motor Vehicle Drivers, Volume 1 - Light Motor Vehicles : Code B5. Scoring method |
When marking the incorrect response during the test it shall be indicated a (/). (See examples) Any incorrect response made by the applicant during the test shall be marked on the test report by placing a mark opposite the appropriate item.
5.1 | With regard to certain responses only one error can be marked - e.g. should the applicant not carry out any one of the items under "PRE-TRIP INSPECTION", Exterior or Interior, one mark shall be indicated in the appropriate space. |
(2) Adj. mir .... / .... |
2 |
5.1.1 | Should the applicant fail to check mirror or blind spot or both for the yard test, he/she shall only be penalised once for observation. |
5.2 | With regard to certain other responses, more than one error can be marked - e.g.: should the applicant make three lane changes without signalling, three marks shall be indicated in the appropriate space. |
(5) Sig .... /// .... |
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5.3 | With regard to certain other responses should an error be made where there is a black block a circle shall be drawn around such block and the test discontinued - e.g.: should the applicant touch any obstacle whilst executing the alley-dock to the left or right, a circle shall be drawn around the black block. This indicates an immediate failure and the test shall be terminated. |
5.4 | On completion of the test the examiner shall count the number of marks opposite each item, multiply by the value indicated in brackets to the left of the item, and enter the total number of penalty points in the relevant block to the right of the item. |
(3) Mir .... /// .... |
9 |
5.5 | All the values of each item in each section shall be added and the total number of penalty points entered in the larger block at the bottom right-hand corner of that section. |
(1) Gear .... // .... |
2 |
(1) Sm/co ..../// .... |
3 |
(1) Eyes |
Remarks |
5 |
5.6 | The total number of penalty points indicated in the larger blocks of each section shall be added indicating an overall number of points which shall be entered in the block "PENALTY POINTS" at the bottom centre of the test report. |
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5.7 | Indicate the result of the test by means of a cross in the appropriate block "PASS", "FAIL" or "DEFERRED". |
X |
5.8 | In any section of the test report under "Remarks" the examiner may enter any comments which may assist the applicant. |
(2) Wand............. |
(2) Pos ..../// ...... |
6 |
(2) Strad ............. |
Remarks: Keeps too far |
6 |
5.8.1 | Should a circle be drawn around any black block, a remark regarding the error shall be made in that section under "Remarks". |
5.9 | Time limits and cut-off points |
5.9.1 | Yard Test |
• | The duration of the yard test shall not exceed 20 minutes. |
• | The "DURATION" of the yard test shall always be recorded in full minutes and shall therefore be rounded off to the previous full minute. |
20 minutes 1 second shall count as 20 minutes.
20 minutes 59 seconds shall also count as 20 minutes.
21 minutes or more shall mean that the applicant fails.
• | An applicant fails the yard test and the test shall be discontinued if: |
(a) | he/she has been allocated more than 50 penalty points, |
(b) | the time limit of 20 minutes was exceeded, (pre-trip inspections and yard test manoeuvres) or |
(c) | a circle has been drawn around any black block. |
5.9.2 | Road Test |
• | The road test shall commence only when the applicant has passed the yard test and the necessary instructions for the road test have been given whilst the vehicle was stationary and the engine switched off. |
• | The duration of the road test shall exceed 20 minutes and not be longer than 45 minutes. If for any reason beyond control, the duration of the test is more than 45 minutes, no more penalty points shall be recorded, however, all errors that normally lead to immediate failure will be recorded. (Violation of traffic law, uncontrolled / dangerous action and collision/mechanical failure). |
• | The duration of the test shaft always be reported in full minutes and should therefore be rounded off to the next minute. The road test shall not be less than 20 minutes and therefore 19 minutes and 59 seconds or less is not permissible. |
20 minutes 1 sec shall become 21 minutes.
40 minutes 59 seconds shall become 41 minutes.
19 minutes and 59 seconds or less is not permissible.
• | The stopwatch shall be stopped after the applicant has stopped the vehicle after completing the pre-established test route, however marking shall continue until the applicant has closed his/her door from the outside where the test shall end. |
• | The permissible maximum penalty points allowed in order to pass the road test shall be calculated as follows: "DURATION" in minutes x 8. |
• | It can be determined whether an applicant has passed or failed with the aid of the table on page 13. |
• | An applicant fails the road test if: |
— | he/she has exceeded the permissible maximum penalty points allowed, or |
— | a circle was drawn around any black block. |
• | Should the test be terminated, the shortest route shall be taken when returning to the driving licence testing centre. |
5.9.3 | Recording of time |
The stopwatch shall be started after completion of instructions for:
• | the pre-trip inspections, |
• | every yard test manoeuvre, or |
• | the road test, |
and stopped at the completion of:
• | the pre-trip inspections, |
• | every yard test manoeuvre, or |
• | the road test. |
"ACTUAL TIME" | See definition in Glossary. |
"STOPWATCH" | See definition in Glossary. |
"DURATION" | See definition in Glossary. |
14.54 |
21.48 |
08H06 |
08H24 |
14 min |
22 min |
Duration of road test in minutes |
x8 |
Maximum penalty points allowed |
21 |
168 |
22 |
176 |
23 |
184 |
24 |
192 |
25 |
200 |
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Maximum penalty points allowed for yard test |
50 |