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National Sport and Recreation Act, 1998 (Act No. 110 of 1998)Fitness Industry Regulations, 200911. Accreditation as fitness establishment |
1) | A fitness establishment shall not conduct business as a fitness establishment unless– |
a) | it has applied in writing to the Fitness Board within a period not exceeding 6 months after the promulgation of these Regulations for the listing of such an establishment; |
b) | it is accredited by the Fitness Board in writing within a period not exceeding two years after the promulgation of the Regulations; and |
c) | it has complied with the provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Act as well as the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act. |
2) | The Fitness Board shall accredit and grade all fitness establishments in the Republic in writing. |
3) | There shall be two grading systems for fitness establishments namely one for multi-purpose establishments and one for single purpose establishments. |
4) | A multi-purpose establishment shall have 5 grades of establishment, namely Blue, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. |
5) | A single purpose establishment shall have 4 grades of establishment, namely Blue, Bronze, Silver and Gold. |
6) | A fitness establishment may be awarded a certificate to offer a service above its level of grading if the Fitness Board deems it fit. |
7) | A fitness establishment shall at all times comply with the requirements of its conditions of accreditation as determined by the Fitness Board in writing: |
Provided the Fitness Board may, subject to the compliance with the said Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, cancel or suspend such registration if it deems it appropriate.
8) | All grades of fitness establishments as referred to in regulation 13 must comply with the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act, as well as the Occupational Health and Safety Act. |