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National Sport and Recreation Act, 1998 (Act No. 110 of 1998)Fitness Industry Regulations, 20092. Registration of fitness professionals |
1) | No person shall practice as a fitness professional as defined by the rolls published annually by the Fitness Board unless he or she: |
a) | has applied in writing within 6 months after the promulgation of these regulations to the Fitness Board to be listed on the said rolls; and |
b) | is registered in writing by the Fitness Board in terms of these Regulations within 2 years after the promulgation of these Regulations as a fitness professional. |
2) | Any person who intends to be registered as a fitness professional in terms of these Regulations shall apply to the Fitness Board in writing and shall submit the certified qualification which, in his or her submission, entitles him or her to such registration, together with such proof of his or her identity and of the authenticity and validity of the qualification submitted, as may be required by the Fitness Board. |
3) | If the Fitness Board is satisfied that the qualification and the other documents submitted in support of the application comply with the requirements of these Regulations, it shall, upon payment of the prescribed fee, cause the necessary entry to be made in the register and shall thereupon issue a registration certificate authorizing the applicant, subject to the provisions of these Regulations or any other law, to practice the profession of a fitness professional within the stipulated scope of practice. |
4) | A fitness professional shall at all times conduct himself or herself in accordance with the provisions of the code of conduct as determined by the Fitness Board from time to time: Provided that the Fitness Board may, subject to the compliance with the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, cancel or suspend such registration if it deems it appropriate. |