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Natural Scientific Professions Act, 2003 (Act No.27 of 2003)Board NoticesCode of Conduct 2022 for South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions1. Definitions |
In this Code of Conduct, unless otherwise defined, a word or expression to which a meaning has been assigned in the Act, has the same meaning in this Code of Conduct.
The following words bear the meanings assigned to them:
1.1 | “The public” means every person, community and corporate entity within the borders of South Africa. The public includes natural scientists registered with SACNASP. |
1.2 | “Natural sciences” means a branch of science concerned with the study of the objects or phenomena of the natural world and the derivatives thereof, involved in the fields of practice in terms of schedule 1A of the Act. |
1.3 | “Natural scientist” means a person qualified and practising in the Natural sciences. |
1.4 | “Practice” means to use the knowledge and experience gained from the study of particular disciplines in the Natural sciences and their applications in order to offer objective, evidence-based advice and services for defined compensation and "practises" has a corresponding meaning. |
1.5 | “The environment” refers to the biophysical, social or economic environment within which natural scientists operate and may have an impact on. |
1.6 | “The rendering of natural scientific services” includes the practice of natural sciences within business, for private practice, academic areas and government. |
1.7 | “Registered person” means a person who is registered in terms of the Act. |
1.8 | “Unprofessional or improper conduct” means improper or disgraceful or dishonourable or unworthy conduct or breach of the Code of Conduct or Rules made in terms of section 28 of the Act or conduct which, when regard is had to the profession of a person who is registered in terms of this Act, is improper or dishonourable or unworthy. |
1.9 | "The Act" means the Natural Scientific Professions Act 27 of 2003, as amended. |