Zim headed for military rule - Zim ambassador

Posted 15 November 2017 Written by Times Live
Category International

Reports from Zimbabwe this morning say the army has arrested several cabinet ministers and there are unconfirmed reports that President Robert Mugabe and his family are under virtual house arrest in Borrowdale, a suburb of Harare. The official opposition ambassador to SA, Austin Moyo, says all indications are that Zimbabwe is headed to military rule. Times Live reports.

An ambassador to South Africa from the official opposition political party in Zimbabwe says all indications are that Zimbabwe is heading to military rule.

“There are mixed reports‚ we are not really sure what is happening‚” said Austin Moyo‚ the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) Shadow Ambassador.

“What surprises us is one of the [Zimbabwe Defence Force] generals going on TV at four o’clock in the morning and now there are reports that there are some ministers‚ including Mugabe and his family‚ that have been placed under house arrest.

“All indications are that we are going towards a military rule. Those are the indications at this stage.”

The world awoke on Wednesday to reports of military vehicles driving through the capital as well as gunshots and explosions.

Reportedly‚ military vehicles have surrounded the presidential offices in Harare. The army meanwhile said on state television that it was not a coup.

Moyo said it was common knowledge that axed former vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa and the chief of the ZDF‚ Gen. Constantine Chiwenga‚ were close and it was a possibility that the army was divided between Mnangagwa and Mugabe.

Mnangagwa indicated in a statement last week that he “would be returning home soon”. He was forced to flee Zimbabwe after his axing amid multiple reports of assassination attempts.

“But now‚ this caging that is happening‚ could maybe sway the army generals to say that Mugabe never went on the ground‚ into the bush with a gun fighting‚ but Mnangagwa was on the ground. We will protect our own‚” Moyo explained.

“It will be about past loyalties‚ and who was with who in the bush.”

Moyo said his colleagues within the MDC in Zimbabwe would issue a statement soon but expressed concerns over the voting process under way.

“The voter registration process that is going on will be disturbed‚ that is number one. Number two‚ the election will maybe not take place next year. It sets us back‚ to start afresh at the drawing board‚” he said.

“We have the original MDC from 1999. If the elections are withheld‚ it actually delays us from taking the government.”

Message from the Zim military:


Fellow Zimbabweans‚ following the address we made on 13 November 2017 which we believe our main broadcaster‚ ZBC and The Herald were directed not to publicise‚ the situation in our country has moved to another level.

Firstly‚ we wish to assure the nation that His Excellency‚ The President‚ of the Republic of Zimbabwe‚ Head of State and Government and Commander in Chief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces‚ Cde R.G Mugabe and his family are safe and sound and their security is guaranteed. We are only targeting criminals around him who are committing crimes that are causing social and economic suffering in the country in order to bring them to justice.

As soon as we have accomplished our mission we expect that the situation will return to normalcy.

To the civil servants: As you are aware‚ there is a plan by the same individuals to influence the current purging taking place in Zanu PF to the Civil service. We are against that act of injustice and we intend to protect everyone of you against it.

To the judiciary‚ the measures underway are intended to ensure that‚ as an independent arm of the state‚ you are able to exercise your independent authority without fear of being obstructed as has been the case with this group of individuals.

To our Members of Parliament: Your legislative role is of paramount importance for peace and stability in this country and it is our desire that a dispensation is created that allows you to serve your respective political constituencies according to democratic tenets.

To the generality of the people of Zimbabwe: We urge you to remain calm and limit unnecessary movement. However‚ we encourage those who are employed and those with essential business in the city to continue their normal activities as usual. Our wish is that you enjoy your rights and freedoms and that we return our country to a dispensation that allows for investment‚ development and prosperity that we all fought for and for which many of our citizens paid the supreme sacrifice.

To political parties; We urge you to discourage your members from engaging in violent behaviour.

To the youth: We call upon you to realise that the future of this country is yours. Do not be enticed with dirty coins of silver‚ be disciplined and remain committed to the ethos and values of this great nation.

To all Churches and religious organisations in Zimbabwe: We call upon you and your congregations to pray for our country and preach the gospel of love‚ peace‚ unity and development.

To both our people and the world beyond our borders: We wish to make it abundantly clear that this is not a military takeover of Government. What the Zimbabwe Defence Forces is doing is to pacify a degenerating political‚ social and economic situation in our country which if not addressed may result in violent conflict.

We call upon all the war veterans to play a positive role in ensuring peace‚ stability and unity in the country.

To members of the Defence Forces: All leave is cancelled and you are all to return to your barracks with immediate effect.

To our respected Traditional leaders: You are the custodians of our culture‚ customs‚ traditions and heritage and we request you to provide leadership and direction to your communities for the sake of unity and development in our country.

To the other Security Services: We urge you to cooperate for the good of our country. Let it be clear that we intend to address the human security threats in our country. Therefore any provocation will be met with an appropriate response.

To the media; we urge you report fairly and responsibly.


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