R 385
Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Act, 1993 (Act No. 87 1993)RegulationsRegulations relating to the Registration of Persons in Control of any Activity with regard to Controlled Goods or who have Controlled Goods in their possession or custody or under their Control2. Registration |
(1) | A person who is in control of any activity with regard to controlled goods or who has controlled goods in his or her possession or custody or under his or her control, shall register with the Council by completing, and submitting to the Council, the registration form contained in the annexure to this notice. |
(2) | The Council shall, in writing, acknowledge receipt of the registration form. |
(3) | The Council shall, within two months of receipt of a correctly completed registration form or of further information as may be requested by the Council, register the person contemplated in subregulation (1). |
(4) | The Council shall, upon registration contemplated in subregulation (3), allocate a unique registration reference number to the person involved. |
(5) | The Council shall, in writing, inform the person contemplated in subregulation (1) of the date upon which such a person is registered with the Council and of the unique registration reference number. |