Trade Marks Act, 1993
R 385
Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Act, 1993 (Act No. 87 1993)RegulationsChemical Weapons Regulations, 20103. Declarations |
(1) | Annual declarations of controlled goods specified in subregulation (2) shall be made to the Council by owners or persons in control of such controlled goods and persons conducting the activities specified in subregulation (2). |
(2) | The controlled goods and declarations contemplated in subregulation (1) are as follows: |
(a) | The controlled goods listed in Annexure A to the Notice, with regard to the production, acquisition in any manner, use, stockpiling, transport, import, export, re-export or transit of such goods; |
(b) | the toxic chemical ricin indicated in Annexure A to the Notice, when it is extracted from the plant material (crude extract). Ricin remains declarable as long as the A-S-S-B bond is not broken, irrespective of the isoform(s) present, and this also applies to the toxic mutants of ricin. Castor oil processing plants are not subject to the declaration procedures set out in Part VI of the Verification Annex; |
(c) | the controlled goods listed in Annexure B to the Notice, with regard to the production, acquisition in any manner, processing, consumption, |
(d) | the controlled goods listed in Annexure C to the Notice, with regard to the production, import, export, re-export or transit of such goods; |
(e) | the controlled goods contemplated in paragraphs (a) to (d) shall, for declaration purposes, include intermediates, by-products or waste products that are produced and consumed within a defined chemical production sequence, where such intermediates, by-products or waste products are chemically stable and therefore exist for a sufficient time to make isolation from the manufacturing stream possible; |
(f) | the controlled discrete organic chemicals or the PSF discrete organic chemicals or their salts produced within a chemical facility; |
(g) | the controlled goods listed in Annexure D to the Notice, with regard to the export or re-export of such goods; and |
(h) | the controlled goods listed in Part A of Annexure E to the Notice, with regard to the possession, production, import, export, re-export or transit of such goods. |
(3) | The declarations contemplated in subregulation (2)(a) to (d) are, with regard to both past activities and anticipated future activities, required for each calendar year which extends from 1 January to 31 December. |
(4) | The controlled goods listed in Annexure E to the Notice, whether in substantially pure form or in a mixture with any other sUbstance, when identified as consumer goods packaged for retail sale for personal use or packaged for individual use, are exempted from the requirement of an annual declaration as contemplated in subregulation (1). |