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Nuclear Energy Act, 1999 (Act No. 46 of 1999)Chapter IV Minister’s Responsibilities Regarding Source Material, Special Nuclear Material, Restricted Material, Radioactive Waste and Irradiated Fuel46. Discarding of radioactive waste and storage of irradiated nuclear fuel |
1) | Except where authorised by a ministerial authority issued under the Hazardous Substances Act, 1973 (Act No. 15 of 1973), no person may, without the written permission of the Minister, discard radioactive waste in any manner or cause it to be so discarded. |
2) | Except with the written permission of the Minister, no person may store any irradiated nuclear fuel or cause it to be stored. |
3) | A permission in terms of subsection (1) or (2) may be granted subject to any conditions that the Minister, in concurrence with the Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism and the Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry, deem fit to impose. The conditions so imposed will be additional to any conditions contained in a nuclear authorisation as defined in section 1 of the National Nuclear Regulator Act, 1999. |