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Nuclear Energy Act, 1999 (Act No. 46 of 1999)Chapter V General Provisions55. Delegations and Assignments by Minister |
1) | The Minister may delegate any power and assign any function conferred or imposed upon the Minister in terms of this Act, except the power to make regulations, to the Director-General of the Department of Minerals and Energy, who may subdelegate or reassign any delegated power or assigned function in the circumstances and manner as prescribed. |
2) | The Minister may assign any institutional obligation to the Corporation or any statutory or other body, which has the capacity to fulfil the Republic’s responsibilities with regard thereto. |
3) | A delegation or assignment under subsection (1) or (2) must be in writing and may be subject to any conditions or limitations determined by the Minister. |
4) | The Minister will not be divested of any power nor be relieved of any function or duty that the Minister may have delegated or assigned. |
5) | The Minister may at any time- |
a) | amend or revoke a delegation or assignment made under subsection (1) or (2); |
b) | withdraw any decision made by the delegatee or assignee with regard to a delegated or assigned matter, and decide the matter himself or herself. However, a decision made by a delegatee or assignee may not be withdrawn where it confers a right or entitlement on any third party. |