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Nuclear Energy Act, 1999 (Act No. 46 of 1999)PoliciesNuclear Energy Policy for the Republic of South AfricaAnnexure A : A. Key Role Players Directly Involved in the South African Nuclear Energy Sector |
A.1. | Department of Minerals and Energy (DME) |
The DME through the Minister of Minerals and Energy has overall responsibility for nuclear energy in South Africa. The DME administers the Nuclear Energy Act and the National Nuclear Regulator Act. The DME is responsible for the national implementation of South Africa's international obligations in the area of IAEA safeguards, as well as the safety and security of nuclear material and facilities.
A.2. | Department of Science and Technology (DST) |
The DST administers the PBMR Human Capital Development Research and Innovation Frontier Programme (PHRIFP), which oversees the University Chairs Nuclear Energy Development Programme.
A.3. | Department of Health (DOH) |
The DOH issues licences for Group III and Group IV Hazardous Substances, medical use of radioactive materials, and oversees nuclear medicine research facilities.
A.4. | Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) |
The DTI administers the SA Council for Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (NPC). The control obligations in the area of nuclear dual-use goods and technology resort under the NPC. The DTI is also the custodian of the country's industrial policy.
A.5. | Department of Public Enterprises (DPE) |
Exercises oversight for state-owned enterprises (SOE's): Alexkor, Denel, Eskom, the PBMR, SAA, Transnet and Sateol. The DPE is coordinating the SOE Competitive supplier development Programme, which provides an alternative policy to the National Industrial Participation Programme for achieving the goal of leveraging expenditure on infrastructure investment and local industrial development.
A.6. | Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) |
The DFA, through the Minister of Foreign Affairs, is entrusted with the formulation, promotion and execution of South Africa's foreign policy and with the daily conduct of South Africa's international relations. The DFA has the primary responsibility for discharging South Africa's international obligations, including those in the nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation arena
A.7. | South African Nuclear Energy Corporation, Limited (NECSA) |
A wholly-owned state company established by the Nuclear Energy Act of 1999. Commissioned in 1965, it operates the 20MW SAFARI research reactor. The main functions of the Corporation are to undertake and promote research and development in the field of nuclear energy and radiation sciences and technology. It also undertakes radioisotope production, nuclear liabilities management, as well as decommissioning. It operates the Vaalputs National Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility for Low Level Waste (LLW) and Intermediate Level Waste (ILW). It also hosts the development laboratories for the PBMR fuel and the PBI\/IR Helium Test Facility (HTF).
A.8. | National Nuclear Regulator (NNR) |
The NNR oversees safety and regulation of nuclear installations and certain mines, and issues operating licences.
A.9. | Eskom Holdings Limited |
Eskom Holdings Limited ("Eskom") is South Africa's national vertically integrated electricity utility, engaged in the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity to industrial, mining, commercial, agricultural and residential customers as well as to redistributors. The Government, through the Department of Public Enterprises, is the sole shareholder. Eskom supplies approximately 95% of South Africa's electricity and approximately 50% of the total electricity consumed on the African continent. Eskom is the owner and operator of the Koeberg Nuclear Power Plant, which provides a necessary "anchor" for the electricity transmission network.
A.10. | iThemba Laboratories |
Established in 1977, the research centre consists of site in Faure, Western Cape, as well as another in Gauteng and produces isotopes for medical applications. The centre has sub-atomic particle accelerators including a 200MeV proton accelerator and a 6MV van der Graaff accelerator. Facilities provide for basic and applied research using particle beams, particle radiotherapy for cancer treatment and production of radioisotope for nuclear medicine research medicine research. It is administered by the DST.
A.11. | PBMR (Pty) Ltd |
The PBMR Company is currently developing a fuel plant and a demonstration High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor known as the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor.
Note: The above-mentioned list of organisations is not meant to be exhaustive as there are various other organisations that have some role in the nuclear sector. Some of the indicated roles are also likely to change during the implementation of this policy.