R 385
Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005)Chapter 2 : Education, Training, Research, Registration and Practice32. Registration of learners |
(1) | A person undergoing education or training in nursing must apply to the council to be registered as a learner nurse or a learner midwife. |
(2) | The Council must register as a learner nurse or a learner midwife any person who has complied with the prescribed conditions and has furnished the prescribed particulars for a training programme at a nursing education institution. |
(3) | The person in charge of a nursing education institution must, within 30 days, notify and furnish to the Council information prescribed by the Council in respect of each learner nurse who has commenced, completed, transferred to or abandoned a nursing education and training programme. |
(4) | A person who fails to furnish the Council within a period of 90 days with the required particulars for the registration of a learner nurse or a learner midwife as contemplated in subsection (3) or who contravenes the provisions of subsection (5) is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding 12 months or to both a fine and such imprisonment. |
(5) | A health establishment must not allow access to clinical facilities for training purposes to anyone who is not registered in terms of this Act. |
(6) | The Registrar must delete from the register the name of a learner nurse, or mark in the register the name of any person, suspended from study and must notify such learner nurse or person accordingly, in writing. |