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Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005)RegulationsRegulations Regarding Fees and Fines Payable to the South African Nursing Council2. Fees payable to the Council |
(1) | The following fees are payable to the Council in terms of the Act— |
(a) | an accreditation fee (nursing education institution), payable on accreditation as a nursing education institution; |
(b) | an accreditation fee (nursing education programme), payable on accreditation of a nursing education programme; |
(c) | an annual fee, payable annually in advance on application for an annual practising certificate; |
(d) | an annual nursing education institution fee, payable annually in advance by accredited nursing education institutions in order to maintain accreditation status; |
(e) | an application fee (clinical facility), payable on application for evaluation of a clinical facility to be used for nursing education and training; |
(f) | an application fee (foreign additional qualification), payable on application for evaluation of an additional qualification obtained outside South Africa; |
(g) | an application fee (foreign basic qualification), payable on application for evaluation of a basic qualification obtained outside South Africa; |
(h) | an application fee (nursing education institution), payable on application for evaluation to become a nursing education institution; |
(i) | an application fee (nursing education programme), payable on application for evaluation of a nursing education programme or a revised nursing education programme; |
(j) | an audit visit fee, payable prior to an on-site audit visit by an audit visit team to a nursing education institution in terms of the Council's accreditation regulations; |
(k) | a certificate of status fee, payable on application for a certificate of status; |
(I) | a duplicate certificate fee, payable on application for a duplicate certificate of registration; |
(m) | an examination fee, payable per paper on application to be admitted to a Council examination; |
(n) | an extract fee, payable on application for an extract from the register; |
(o) | a focus visit fee (clinical facility), payable prior to a focus visit of the clinical facilities of a nursing education institution in terms of the Council's accreditation regulations; |
(p) | a focus visit fee (nursing education institution), payable prior to a focus visit of the nursing education institution in terms of the Council's accreditation regulations; |
(q) | a late entry fee, payable together with the examination fees on application to be admitted to a Council examination where the application is submitted after the closing date for applications; |
(r) | a licence fee (private practice), payable on application for a licence to conduct a private practice; |
(s) | a registration fee (additional qualification), payable on application for registration of an additional qualification; |
(t) | a registration fee (assessors, moderators and verifiers), payable per field on application to be registered as an assessor, a moderator or a verifier; |
(u) | a registration fee (learner), payable annually in advance on application for registration as a learner; |
(v) | a registration fee (practitioner), payable per category on application for registration as a practitioner; |
(w) | a registration fee (section 56 registration), payable on application for registration in terms of section 56(1) of the Act; |
(x) | a remarking fee, payable on application for remarking an examination paper; |
(y) | a restoration fee (reduced), payable on application for restoration to the register for practitioners following the voluntary removal of the person's name from the register; |
(z) | a restoration fee (regular), payable on application for restoration to the register for practitioners in all cases not covered in section (y) of this subregulation; |
(aa) | a transcript of training fee, payable on application for a transcript of training records; |
(bb) | a verification fee, payable on application for a verification to be sent to a registering body in another country; and |
(cc) | any other fees in terms of the Act. |
(2) | The Council will recover any of the fees due to it in terms of subregulation (1) in cases where an institution or person fails to make such payment on the determined dates. |
(3) | The application fees referred to in paragraphs (e), (f), (g), (h) and (1) of subregulation (1) are not refundable. |
(4) | The examination and ate entry fees referred to in paragraphs (m) and (q) of subregulation (1) respectively are not refundable. |
(5) | The focus visit fees referred to in paragraphs (o) and (p) of subregulation (1) are not refundable. |
(6) | The remarking fee referred to in paragraph (x) of subregulation (1) is not refundable. |