R 385
Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005)RegulationsRegulations Relating to the Accreditation of Institutions as Nursing Education Institutions13. Reaccreditation of a nursing education institution granted conditional accreditation |
(1) | An institution that has received conditional accreditation is required to demonstrate evidence of their performance in addressing the shortcomings specified by the Council within the specified period. |
(2) | The application for full accreditation must reach the Council by the end of the first month of the last year of the conditional accreditation period and must be accompanied by the prescribed accreditation fee. |
(3) | The institution is required to submit a self-assessment and a completed portfolio of evidence demonstrating institutional performance over the accreditation period and any further information that may be determined by the Council. |
(4) | The Council must take into consideration the annual self-assessment reports received from the institution for the duration of the conditional accreditation period. |
(5) | The Council may conduct an audit visit or a focus visit to a nursing education institution seeking reaccreditation. |
(6) | The Council must make a decision to reaccredit the nursing education institution based on the institution's performance and compliance with the Council's prescribed accreditation requirements, criteria and standards for nursing education and training. |
(7) | Failure on the part of the nursing education institution to reapply for accreditation in the proscribed manner shall result in the lapse of the institution's accreditation. |
(8) | If an institution is not reaccredited, it may not continue to provide nursing education and training and must comply with the requirements of regulation 14(2). |