R 385
Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005)RegulationsRegulations Relating to the Conducting of Inquiries into Alleged Unfitness to Practise Due to Disability or Impairment of Persons Registered in terms of the Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005)Notice No. R. 490 of 2013 |
Notice No. R. 490
15 July 2013
The Minister of Health has in terms of section 58(4) of the Nursing Act, 2005 (Act 33 of 2005) made the regulations in the Schedule.
1. In this schedule, "the Regulations" means the regulations published under Government Notice No. R. 619 of 05 August 2011.
Amendment of regulation 2(2)(a) and (b) of the Regulations
2. Regulation 2(2)(a) of the Regulations is hereby amended to read as follows—
"2(2)(a) | three persons registered in terms of the Act, one of whom must be the Chairperson; and" |
3. | Regulation 2(2)(b) of the Regulations is hereby amended to read as follows— |
"2(b) | a practising Attorney or Advocate". |
Dr A Motsoaledi, MP
Minister of Health
Date: 24/6/2013