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Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005)
Notice No. 492 of 2006
Chapter 1 : South African Nursing Council
1. Definitions
2. South African Nursing Council
3. Objects of Council
4. Functions of Council
5. Composition and dissolution of Council
6. Disqualification from membership
7. Vacation of office
8. Termination of membership
9. Filling of vacancies
10. Chairperson and vice-chairperson of Council
11. Duties of chairperson
12. Meetings of Council
13. Quorum and procedure at meetings
14. Executive committee of Council
15. Other committees
16. Remuneration of members of Council and committees
17. Minister may rectify defects
18. Appointment of Registrar and staff
19. Duties of Registrar
20. Accounting duties of Registrar
21. Funding of expenditure
22. Bank account of Council
23. Council budget
24. Contents of annual budget and supporting documents
25. Unforeseen and unavoidable expenditure
26. Unauthorised, irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure
27. Cash management and investments
28. Disposal of capital assets
29. Corporate governance
Chapter 2 : Education, Training, Research, Registration and Practice
30. Scope of profession and practice of nursing
31. Registration as prerequisite to practise
32. Registration of learners
33. Limited registration
34. Registration of additional qualifications
35. Custody and publication of registers
36. Register as proof
37. Receipt as proof
38. Qualifications prescribed for registration
39. Conditions relating to continuing professional development
40. Community service
41. Regulation of research
42. Education and training
43. Use of certain titles
44. Removal from and restoration of name to register
45. Issue of duplicate registration certificate, certificate of status, extract from register or certificate
Chapter 3 : Powers of Council with regard to unprofessional conduct
46. Inquiry by Council into charges of unprofessional conduct
47. Procedure of inquiry by Council
48. Postponement of imposition and suspension of operation of penalty
49. Suspension or removal from register related to professional conduct matters
50. Cognisance by Council of conduct of registered persons under certain circumstances
51. Unfitness to practise due to impairment
52. Investigation of matters relating to teaching of learners
Chapter 4 : Offences by persons not registered
53. Penalties for practising as professional nurse, midwife, staff nurse,
54. Penalty for misrepresentation inducing registration and false entries in register and impersonation
55. Penalties
Chapter 5 : General and Supplementary Provisions
56. Special provisions relating to certain nurses
57. Appeal against decisions of Council
58. Regulations
59. Rules
60. Repeal of laws
61. Transitional provisions
62. Short title and commencement
Regulations relating to Course Leading to Enrolment as a Nursing Auxiliary
Notice No. R. 2176 of 1993
1. Definitions
2. Conditions for enrolment as a nursing auxiliary
3. Conditions for the approval of a nursing school
4. Admission to the course
5. Duration of the course
6. The curriculum
7. Exemptions
8. Examinations
9. Requirements for admission to an examination
10. Application of regulations
11. Transition clause
Regulations Relating to Performance of Community Service
Notice No. R. 765 of 2007
1. Definitions
2. Profession in respect of which community service shall be performed
3. Registration of persons performing community service
4. Conditions of service
5. Places where community service is to be performed
6. Interruption of period of community service
7. Report on completion
8. Transitional Provisions
Regulations relating to the Particulars to be furnished to the Council for keeping of the Register for Nursing Practitioners, the manner of effecting alterations to the Register, and Certificates that may be issued by the Council
Notice No. R. 195 of 2008
1. Definitions
2. Particulars to be kept in the register for nursing practitioners
3. Categories of registration for practitioners
4. Application for registration
5. Application for registration based on a foreign qualification
6. Change of particulars entered in the register
7. Correction of errors in the registers
8. Removal from the register
9. Restoration to the register
10. Suspension from practising
11. Annual practising certificate
12. Duplicate certificate of registration
13. Certificate of status
14. Transitional arrangements
15. Repeal
Regulations Relating to the Conducting of Inquiries into Alleged Unfitness to Pracice Due to Disability or Impairment of Persons registered in terms of the Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005)
Notice No. R. 619 of 2011
1. Definitions
2. Constitution of Impairment Committee
3. Lodging of Complaints
4. Receipts of Complaints
5. Notice of Referral
6. Service of Documents
7. In-Camera meetings and Inquiries
8. Health examiners
9. Temporary suspension
10. Preliminary Assessment
11. Enquiry by the Impairment Committee
12. Findings by the Impairment Committee
13. Mitigation of findings
14. to 16. Appeal process
17. Recording of proceedings and outcomes
18. to 20. Referral of allegation from the Impairment Committee to the Professional Conduct Committee
21. Burden of Proof
22. Evidence
23. Postponements and adjournments
24. Transitional arrangements
Regulations relating to the Approval of and the Minimum Requirements for the Education and Training of a Learner Leading to Registration in the Category Auxiliary Nurse
Notice No. R. 169 of 2013
1. Definitions
2. Requirements for registration in the category auxiliary nurse
3. Accreditation of a nursing education institution to offer the programme
4. Admission requirements to the programme
5. Minimum requirements for the programme
6. Clinical education and training
7. Assessment and moderation of learning outcomes
8. Transfers
9. Recognition of prior learning
10. Application of these regulations
11. Transitional arrangements
Regulations Regarding Fees and Fines Payable to the South African Nursing Council
Notice No. R. 170 of 2013
1. Definitions
2. Fees payable to the Council
3. Determination of fee amounts and the date on which the fee amounts become effective
4. Annual nursing education institution fee
5. Annual fee
6. Restoration fee
7. Fines payable to the Council
8. Method of payment of fees and fines
9. Implementation
Regulations Relating to the Approval of and the Minimum Requirements for the Education and Training of a Learner Leading to Registration in the Category Staff Nurse
Notice No. R. 171 of 2013
1. Definitions
2. Requirements for registration in the category staff nurse
3. Accreditation of a nursing education institution to offer the programme
4. Admission requirements to the programme
5. Minimum requirements for the programme
6. Clinical education and training
7. Assessment and moderation of learning outcomes
8. Transfers
9. Recognition of prior learning
10. Application of these regulations
11. Transitional arrangements
Regulations Relating to the Accreditation of Institutions as Nursing Education Institutions
Notice No. R. 173 of 2013
1. Definitions
2. Conditions and requirements for accreditation of an institution as a nursing education institution
3. Accreditation process
4. to 6. Submission of application for accreditation as a nursing education institution
7. Extension of accreditation scope
8. Review of application for accreditation of a nursing education institution
9. Audit visit
10. Decision
11. Issuing of an accreditation certificate
12. Reaccreditation of a nursing education institution granted full accreditation
13. Reaccreditation of a nursing education institution granted conditional accreditation
14. De-accreditation of a nursing education institution
15. Fees payable to the Council
16. The appeal process
17. Monitoring and evaluation
18. Transitional provisions
19. Application of these regulations
20. Repeal
Regulations Relating to the Approval of and the Minimum Requirements for the Education and Training of a Learner leading to Registration in the Categories Professional Nurse and Midwife
Notice No. R. 174 of 2013
1. Definitions
2. Requirements for registration in the categories professional nurse and midwife
3. Accreditation of a nursing education institution to offer the programme
4. Admission requirements to the programme
5. Minimum requirements for the programme
6. Clinical education and training
7. Assessment and moderation of learning outcomes
8. Transfers
9. Recognition of prior learning
10. Application of these regulations
11. Transitional arrangements
Regulations Relating to the Conducting of Inquiries into Alleged Unfitness to Practise Due to Disability or Impairment of Persons Registered in terms of the Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005)
Notice No. R. 490 of 2013
Regulation Setting Out the Acts or Omissions in Respect of which the Council May Take Disciplinary Steps
Notice No. R. 767 of 2014
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 : Midwives
Chapter 4 : Auxiliary Midwives
Regulations regarding an Appeal Against Decisions of the South African Nursing Council
Notice No. R. 778 of 2014
1. Definitions
2. Notice of right of appeal
3. Lodging an appeal
4. Appointment of an appeal committee
5. Procedure for appeal hearing
6. Findings of the appeal committee
7. Transitional arrangements
Regulations regarding the Register for Learner/Student Nurses and Learner/Student Midwives
Notice No. 519 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Particulars to be entered into the Register
3. Admission to Register
4. Removal from the Register
5. Deferment of Training
6. Resumption of Training
7. Suspension as a Learner/Student
8. Registration Fees
9. Change of Particulars
10. Repeal of Regulations
11. Short Title and Commencement of Regulations
Regulations relating to the Approval of and the Minimum Requirement for the Education and Training of a Student leading to Registration as a Nurse Specialist or Midwife Specialist, 2020
Notice No. 635 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Application of these Regulations
3. Programme admission requirements
4. Requirements for the programme
5. Requirements for registration in the category Nurse Specialist or Midwife Specialist
6. Exit level outcomes
7. Assessment and moderation
8. Process of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
9. Transfers
10. Schedule of postgraduate programmes
11. Transitional arrangements
12. Penalties
13. Repeal
14. Short title
Schedule : Repeals (Regulation 13)
Regulations regarding the Scope of Practice for Nurses and Midwives, 2022
Notice No. 2127 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Scope of practice of a professional nurse
3. Scope of practice of a general nurse
4. Scope of practice of a midwife
5. Scope of practice of an auxillary nurse
6. Repealed
7. Short title
Board Notices
Notice Regarding Fees Payable to the Council in terms of the Regulations Regarding Fees and Fines Payable to the South African Nursing Council
Board Notice 94 of 2016
Board Notice 80 of 2019
Board Notice 64 of 2020
Board Notice 54 of 2021
Board Notice 440 of 2023
Board Notice 613 of 2024
Categories of Practitioners
Notice No. R. 194 of 2008
Notice No. 939 of 2019
Fees Payable to the Council in terms of the Regulations - 2011
Notice No. R. 578 of 2010
Fees Payable to the Council in terms of the Regulations - 2012
Notice No. R. 542 of 2011
Fees Payable to the Council in terms of the Regulations regarding Fees and Fines Payable to the South African Nursing Council
Notice No. R. 452 of 2013
Notice No. R. 656 of 2018
Notice No. 2111 of 2022
List of Approved Facilities for the purposes of Performing Community Service by Nurses in the year 2016
Notice No. 689 of 2015
Notice No. R. 6 of 2008
Fees Payable to the Council in terms of the Regulations - 2012
Notice No. R. 542 of 2011
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