R 385
Occupational Diseases in Mines and Works Act, 1973 (Act No. 78 of 1973)Chapter IV : Certification of compensatable diseases50. Review of finding by reviewing authority |
(1) | The reviewing authority may review any finding expressed by the certification committee if an application for such review is lodged with the reviewing authority by the person to whom the finding relates or by any other person acting on his behalf or any organization so acting, or, in the case of a deceased person, by the dependants of the deceased or by any person or organization acting on behalf of such dependants, within ninety days as from the date on which notice of the finding was given by the certification committee. |
(2) | The reviewing authority may on such review confirm the finding in question or request the chairman of the certification committee to submit the case for review to a joint meeting of that committee and the reviewing authority. |