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Occupational Diseases in Mines and Works Act, 1973 (Act No. 78 of 1973)Chapter V : Commissioner, Advisory Committee and Compensation Fund74. Minister to make good certain losses in and payments from the compensation fund |
The Minister shall pay, from moneys appropriated by Parliament for that purpose, to the commissioner for the credit of the relevant account of the compensation fund—
(a) | any amount which is due to the commissioner by an owner of a controlled mine or a controlled works under any provision of this Act and which the commissioner is unable to recover from that owner, but excluding any interest due under section 64 or 66 or any penalty imposed under section 65; |
(b) | any amount paid from the compensation fund to any person who was not entitled to receive such amount, and which the commissioner is unable to recover from such person; |
(c) | any loss suffered by the compensation fund through the negligence, dishonesty or other act or omission of any person in the service of the State, or any person, institution, organization or authority who or which has acted on behalf of the commissioner in terms of any provision of this Act, and which the commissioner is unable to recover from the person, institution, organization or authority concerned; |
(d) | any amount paid from the compensation fund under a provision of this Act to or in respect of a person who contracted a compensatable disease wholly or partly as a result of his duties at or in connection with mines or works while he or she was in the service of the State or while he or she performed a service on behalf of the State; |
(e) | any amount paid from the compensation fund under a provision of this Act to or in respect of a person in connection with work performed at a mine or works which has ceased operations and at the time of such cessation was not a controlled mine or a controlled works. |
[Section 74(e) substituted by section 5 of the Occupational Diseases in Mines and Works Amendment Act, No. 27 of 1974]