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Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993)
Notice No. 1158 of 1993
1. Definitions
2. Establishment of Advisory Council for Occupational Health and Safety
3. Functions of Council
4. Constitution of Council
5. Period of Office and remuneration of members of Council
6. Establishment of Technical Committees of Council
7. Health and Safety Policy
8. General duties of employers to their employees
9. General duties of employers and self-employed persons to persons other than their employ
10. General duties of manufacturers and others regarding articles and substances for use at
11. Listed work
12. General duties of employers regarding listed work
13. Duty to inform
14. General duties of employees at work
15. Duty not to interfere with, damage or misuse things
16. Chief Executive Officer charged with certain duties
17. Health and Safety Representatives
18. Functions of Health and Safety Representatives
19. Health and Safety Committees
20. Functions of Health and Safety Committees
21. General Prohibitions
22. Sale of certain articles prohibited
23. Certain deductions prohibited
24. Report to inspectors regarding certain incidents
25. Report to Chief Inspector regarding occupational disease
26. Victimization forbidden
27. Designation and functions of Chief Inspector
28. Designation of Inspectors by Minister
29. Functions of Inspectors
30. Special powers of Inspectors
31. Investigations
32. Formal enquiries
33. Joint enquiries
34. Obstruction of investigation or inquiry or presiding Inspector or failure to render ass
35. Appeal against decision of Inspector
36. Disclosure of information
37. Acts or omissions by employees or mandataries
38. Offences, penalties and special orders of court
39. Proof of certain facts
40. Exemptions
41. This Act not affected by agreements
42. Delegation and assignment of functions
43. Regulations
44. Incorporation of health and safety standards in regulations
45. Serving of notices
46. Jurisdiction of Magistrate's Courts
47. State bound
48. Conflict of Provisions
49. Repeal of Laws
50. Short title & commencement
General Safety Regulations, 1986
Notice No. R. 1031 of 1986
1. Definitions
2. Personal safety equipment and facilities
2A. Intoxication
2B. Display of substituted notices and signs
2C. Admittance of persons
3. First aid, emergency equipment and procedures
4. Use and storage of flammable liquids
5. Work in confined spaces
6. Work in elevated positions
7. Working in danger of engulfment
8. Stacking of articles
9. Welding, flame cutting, soldering and similar operations
10. Operating trains
11. Supervision of building work
12. Roof work
13. Demolition and Excavation
13A. Ladders
13B. Ramps
13C. Boatswain's Chairs
13D. Scaffold framework
13E. Scaffold platforms
13F. Suspended scaffolds
13G. Trestle scaffolds
14. Offences and Penalties
15. Withdrawal of Regulations
Annexure - Minimum contents of a First Aid Box
Incorporation of Safety Standards
Notice No. R. 283 of 1991
Notice of Exemption in terms of Section 40(1)
Notice No. R. 570 of 2012
Environmental Regulations for Workplaces, 1987
Notice No. R. 2281 of 1987
1. Definitions
2. Thermal requirements
3. Lighting
4. Windows
5. Ventilation
6. Housekeeping
7. [Repealed] Noise and hearing conservation
8. Precautions against flooding
9. Fire precautions and means of egress
10. Offences and Penalties
11. Withdrawal of Regulations
12. Short title
Schedule - Minimum Average Values Of Maintained Illuminance (Measured On The Working P
Incorporation of Safety Standards
Designation of Inspectors by Local Authorities
General Machinery Regulations, 1988
2. Supervision of machinery
3. Safeguarding of machinery
4. Operation of machinery
5. Working on moving or electrically alive machinery
6. Devices to start and stop machinery
7. Reporting of incidents in connection with machinery
8. Notifiable substances
9. Information regarding regulations
10. Offences and Penalties
11. Repeal of Regulations
Schedule A - Notifiable Substances
Schedule B - Notice regarding notifiable substances
Schedule C - Notice in respect of boilers
Schedule D - Notice in respect of machinery other than a boiler
Certificate of Competency Regulations, 1990
Notice No. R. 533 of 1990
1. Definitions
2. Issue of Certificates
3. Suspension or cancellation of Certificates
4. Substitution of lost, damaged or destroyed Certificates
5. Commission of Examiners
6. Qualifying examination
7. Acceptance as candidate
8. Withdrawal of regulations
Annexure 1 : Mechanical Engineer's Certificate of Competency
Annexure 2 : Electrical Engineer's Certificate of Competency
[Repealed] Hazardous Chemical Substances Regulations, 1995
Notice No. 1179 of 1995
1. Definitions
2. Scope of Application
3. Information and training
4. Duties of persons who may be exposed to hazardous chemical substances
5. Assessment of potential exposure
6. Air monitoring
7. Medical surveillance
8. Respirator zone
9. Records
9A. Handling of hazardous chemical substances
10. Control of exposure to HCS
11. Personal protective equipment and facilities
12. Maintenance of control measures
13. Prohibitions
14. Labelling, packaging, transportation and storage
15. Disposal of hazardous chemical substances
16. Offences and Penalties
Acknowledgement to HMSO
Annexure 1
HCS Guide Lines
Prevention and Control of Exposure
Medical Surveillance
Legal Background to Exposure Limits
Setting Occupational Exposure Limits
Applying Occupational Exposure Limits
Mixed Exposures
Monitoring exposure
Biological Exposure Indices
Carcinogenic Compounds
Occupational Exposure Limits - Control Limits
Occupational Exposure Limits - Recommended Limits
Annexure 2 : Calculation of exposure with regard to the specified reference periods
Annexure 3 : Methods of measurement and calculation for determining fibre concconcentrations of manmade mineral fibre
Annexure 4 : Cotton Dust
Annexure 5 : Asphyxiants
Annexure 6 : Rubber fume and rubber process dust
Annexure 7 : The definition of Grain Dust
Annexure 8 : Material safety data sheet
Amendment of the Occupational Exposure Control Limit for Silica in Table 1 of the Hazardous Chemical Substances Regulations, 2008
Notice No. R. 683 of 2008
[Repealed] Major Hazard Installation Regulations, 1993
Notice No. R. 692 of 2001
1. Definitions
2. Scope of Application
3. Notification of Installation
4. Temporary Installations
5. Risk Assessment
6. On Site Emergency Plan
7. Reporting of Risk and Emergency Occurrences
8. General duties of suppliers
9. General duties of local government
10. Closure
11. Offences and penalties
[Withdrawn] Hazardous Biological Agents Regulations, 2001
Notice No. R. 1390 of 2001
1. Definitions
2. Scope of application
3. Classification of biological agents
4. Information and training
5. Duties of persons who might be exposed to HBA
6. Risk assessment by employer or self-employed person
7. Monitoring exposure at workplace
8. Medical surveillance
9. Records
10. Control of exposure to HBA
11. Personal protective equipment and facilities
12. Maintenance of control measures, equipment and facilities
13. Prohibitions
14. Labelling, packaging, transporting and storage
15. Special measures for health and veterinary isolation facilities
16. Special measures for laboratories, animal rooms and industrial processes
17. Disposal of HBA
18. Offences and penalties
19. Short title
A : Indicative List Of Incidents
B : Hazardous Biological Agents Giudelines
C : Precautions For Workplaces
D : Bio Hazard Sign
E : Hazardous Biological Agents Regulations
F : Containment for Industrial Processes
[Repealed] Asbestos Regulations, 2001
Notice No. R. 155 of 2002
1. Definitions
2. Scope of application
3. Notification of asbestos work
4. Exposure to asbestos
5. Information and training
6. Duties of persons who may be exposed
7. Assessment of potential exposure
8. Air monitoring
9. Medical surveillance
10. Respirator zone
11. Control of exposure to asbestos
12. Cleanliness of premises and plant
13. Control of exposure to asbestos of persons other than employees
14. Asbestos that forms part of structure of workplace, building, plant or premises
15. Asbestos cement sheeting and related products
16. Records
17. Personal protective equipment and facilities
18. Maintenance of control measures
19. Labelling, packaging, transportation and storage
20. Disposal of asbestos
21. Demolition
22. Prohibition
23. Offences and penalties
24. Repeal of regulations
25. Short title
Lead Regulations, 2001
Notice No. R. 236 of 2002
1. Definitions
2. Scope of application
3. Exposure to airborne lead
4. Information and training
5. Duties of persons who may be exposed
6. Assessment of potential exposure
7. Air monitoring
8. Medical surveillance
9. Respirator zone
10. Records
11. Control of exposure to lead
12. Personal protective equipment and facilities
13. Cleanliness of premises and plant
14. Maintenance of control measures
15. Prohibitions
16. Labelling, packaging, transportation and storage
17. Disposal of lead waste
18. Offences and penalties
19. Repeal of regulations
20. Short title
Annexure A
Annexure B
Annexure C
Annexure D
[Repealed] Explosives Regulations, 2002
Notice No. R.109 of 2003
1. Definitions
2. Scope of application
3. Classification of explosives for manufacturing
4. Licensing of explosives workplaces
5. Non-detonatable and non-sensitised explosives
6. Danger area
7. Danger buildings
8. Safeguarding of explosives workplace
9. Design, construction and manufacture
10. Importation of explosives
11. Safety distances
12. Supervision of explosives workplace
13. Safe handling of explosives
14. Emergencies
15. Incidents
16. Closure of explosives workplaces
17. National Explosives Council
18. Approved inspection authorities
19. Standards of training
20. Offences and penalties
21. Short title
Annexure 1
Noise-induced Hearing Loss Regulations, 2003
Notice No. R. 307 of 2003
1. Definitions
2. Scope of application
3. Exposure to noise
4. Information and training
5. Duties of persons who may be exposed to noise
6. Assessment of potential noise exposure
7. Noise monitoring
8. Medical surveillance
9. Noise zone
10. Control of noise exposure
11. Record
12. Hearing protective equipment
13. Maintenance of control measures
14. Offences and penalties
15. Withdrawal of regulations
General Administrative Regulations, 2003
Notice No. R.929 of 2003
1. Definitions
2. Access to premises
3. Exemption
4. Copy of the Act
5. Health and safety committee
6. Negotiations and consultations before designation of health and safety representatives
7. Designation of health and safety representatives
8. Reporting of incidents and occupational diseases
9. Recording and investigation of incidents
10. Witness at inquiry
11. Returns
12. Offences and penalties
13. Repeal of regulations
Facilities Regulations, 2004
Notice No. R. 924 of 2004
1. Definitions
2. Sanitation
3. Facilities for Safekeeping
4. Changing rooms
5. Dining-rooms
6. Prohibition
7. Drinking water
8. Seats
9. Condition of rooms and facilities
10. Offences and penalties
11. Repeal of regulations
12. Short title
[Repealed] Diving Regulations, 2009
Notice No. R. 41 of 2009
1. Definitions
2. Scope of application
3. Client
4. Diving contractor
5. Diving project plan
6. Instructors
7. Life-support technicians
8. Systems' technicians
9. Diving supervisors
10. Divers
11. ROV supervisors
12. ROV pilots
13. Airlock operators for compressed air work
14 . Hyperbaric operations supervisors for compressed air work
15. Chamber operators and operation of chambers
16. Compressed air workers
17. Approved qualifications
18. Diving schools
19. Designated Medical Practitioners
20. Medical examinations and medical fitness
21. Operations manual
22. Control of diving operations
23. Diving Advisory Board
24. Training standards, assessments and Codes of Practice
25. Application for registration
26. Records
27. Withdrawal of certificate of registration
28. Fees payable
29. Notification of diving operations
30. Offences and penalties
31. Repeal
32. Short title
Electrical Installation Regulations, 2009
Notice No. R. 242 of 2009
1. Definitions
2. Responsibility for electrical installations
3. Approved inspection authorities for electrical installations
4. Functions of approved inspection authorities for electrical installations
5. Design and construction
6. Electrical contractor
7. Certificate of compliance
8. Commencement and permission to connect installation work
9. Issuing of certificate of compliance
10. Disputes
11. Application for registration as a registered person
12. Withdrawal of registration and approval
13. Substitution of lost, damaged or destroyed certificate
14. Fees payable
15. Offences and penalties
16. Repeal of regulations
17. Short title and commencement
Annexure 1 : Certificate of Compliance
Annexure 2 : Application for Approval as Approved Inspection Authority for Electrical Installations
Annexure 3 : Application for Registration as Electrical Contractor
Annexure 4 : Notice of Commencement of Installation Work
Annexure 5 : Application for Registration as Registered Person
Annexure 6 : Application for Duplicate Certificate
Incorporation of Safety Standards into Electrical Installation Regulations, 2009
Notice No. R. 243 of 2009
Notice No. 1225 of 2015
Pressure Equipment Regulations, 2009
Notice No. R. 734 of 2009
1. Definitions
2. Scope of application
3. General requirements
4. Duties of manufacturers
5. Duties of importers and suppliers
6. Duties of users
7. Approval and duties of approved inspection authority
8. Registration of a steam generator
9. Pressure equipment marking
10. Pressure and safety accessories
11. Inspection and test
12. Risk-based inspection
13. Repairs and modifications
14. Records
15. Access
16. Door interlocks
17. Gas reticulation equipment and systems
18. Transportable gas containers
19. Fire extinguishers
20. Offences and penalties
21. Repeal of regulations and annexures
22. Short Title
Annexure 1 : Certificate of Conformity for Gas Installations
Annexure 2 - Registration of a Steam Generator
Incorporation of Health and Safety Standards into the Pressure Equipment Regulations, 2009
Notice No. R. 735 of 2009 [Replaced by Notice No. R. 262 of 2017]
Notice No. R. 79 of 2012
Notice No. R. 262 of 2017
Inclusion of Noise Monitoring by means of Personal Dosimetry in Regulation 7 of the Noise Induced Hearing Loss Regulations
Notice No. R. 889 of 2017
Health and Safety of Children at Work Regulations, 2010
Notice No. R. 7 of 2010
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and interpretation
3. Risk assessment
4. Respiratory hazards
5. Work in elevated position
6. Lifting of heavy weights
7. Work in a cold environment
8. Work in a hot environment
9. Work in noisy environment
10. Power tools and cutting or grinding equipment
11. Report to department of social development
12. Offences and penalties
13. Summary
14. Short title and commencement
Schedule 1: Guidelines on risk assessments and plans of safe work procedures regarding
1. Definitions
2. Risk assessment required
3. Application regarding child workers
4. Children's characteristics and recommendations for safety
5. Increased risks of children at work
6. Preparation for employment of child workers, and for risk assessment
7. Plan of safe work procedures
8. Checklist on safety orientation of child workers
9. Checklist on basic training principles
10. Health and safety topics to cover in orientation and training
11. Supervision of child workers
12. Examples of steps that may be included in a plan of safe work procedures
Schedule 2: Summary of regulations on the health and safety of children at work and o
Lift, Escalator and Passenger Conveyor Regulations, 2010
Notice No. R. 828 of 2010
1. Definitions
2. Scope of application
3. Permission to install and use
4. Design and construction
5. Particulars of lifts, escalators and passenger conveyors
6. Inspections and tests
7. Maintenance
8. Record keeping
9. Approved inspection authority
10. Offences and penalties
11. Repeal of regulations and savings
12. Short title and commencement
Annexure 1 : Notification of installation of a lift/escalator/passenger conveyor
[Withdrawn] Incorporation of Safety Standards
Notice No. R. 829 of 2010
Code of Practice
Existing Goods Hoists Installations
Notice No. R. 94 of 2017
Electrical Machinery Regulations, 2011
Notice No. R. 250 of 2011
1. Definitions
2. Scope of application
3. Personal protective equipment
4. Work on disconnected electrical machinery
5. Notice
6. Switchgear and transformer premises
7. Electrical control gear
8. Switchboards
9. Electrical machinery in hazardous locations
10. Portable electric tools
11. Portable electric lights
12. Electric fences
13. Issuing of electric fence system certificate
14. Application for registration as registered person
15. Withdrawal of registration and approval
16. Substitution of lost, damaged or destroyed certificate of registration
17. Inspection authorities
18. Earthing
19. Overhead power lines
20. Service connections
21. Overhead line crossings
22. Bare conductors on premises
23. Fees payable
24. Offences and penalties
25. Repeal of regulations
26. Short title
Annexure 1
Annexure 2
Annexure 3
Incorporation of Health and Safety Standards into ...
Notice No. R. 251 of 2011
Construction Regulations, 2014
Notice No. R. 84 of 2014
1. Defintions
2. Scope of Application
3. Application for construction work permit
4. Notification of construction work
5. Duties of client
6. Duties of designer
7. Duties of principal contractor and contractor
8. Management and supervision of construction work
9. Risk assessment for construction work
10. Fall protection
11. Structures
12. Temporary works
13. Excavation
14. Demolition work
15. Tunneling
16. Scaffolding
17. Suspended platforms
18. Rope access work
19. Material hoists
20. Bulk mixing plant
21. Explosive actuated fastening device
22. Cranes
23. Construction vehicles and mobile plant
24. Electrical installations and machinery on construction sites
25. Use and temporary storage of flammable liquids on construction sites
26. Water environments
27. Housekeeping and general safeguarding on construction sites
28. Stacking and storage on construction sites
29. Fire precautions on construction sites
30. Construction employees' facilities
31. Construction health and safety technical committee
32. Approved Inspection Authority
33. Offences and penalties
34. Repeal of regulations and commencement
35. Short title
Annexure 1 : Application for a Permit to do Construction Work
Annexure 2 : Notification of Construction Work
Annexure 3 : Medical Certificate of Fitness
Notice of Approval of Statutory Body as Contemplated in Regulation 5(8)
Notice No. R. 85 of 2014
Notice Regarding Application of the Construction Regulations 2014
Notice No. R. 647 of 2014
Notice regarding Application for Construction Work Permit of Construction Work in terms of the Construction Regulations, 2014
Notice No. 850 of 2018
Driven Machinery Regulations, 2015
Notice No. R. 527 of 2015 [Withdrawn by Government Notice No. R. 573]
Withdrawal of Government Notice No. R. 527 of 2015 Government Gazette No. 38887
Notice No. R. 573 of 2015
Driven Machinery Regulations, 2015 : Notice No. R. 540 of 2015
Notice No. R. 540 of 2015
1. Definitions
2. Scope of application
3. Revolving machinery
4. Circular saws
5. Band saws and band knives
6. Wood-planing machines
7. Wood-moulding and mortising machines
8. Sanding machines
9. Grinding machines
10. Shears, guillotines and presses
11. Slitting machines
12. Mixing, agitating and similar machines
13. Rolls and calender rolls
14. Washing machines, centrifugal extractors, etc
15. Air compressors
16. Refrigeration and air-conditioning installations
17. Transportation plants
18. Lifting machines, hand-powered lifting devices and lifing tackle
19. Approval and registration of lifting machinery entity
20. Approval and registration of training providers
21. Withdrawal of approval and registration of lifting machinery entity or training provider
22. Offences and penalties
23. Repeal of regulations and transititional provisions
24. Short title and commencement
Annexure A : Application form for registration as a lifting machinery entity
Incorporation of Safety Standards
Notice No. R. 542 of 2015
Notice of Withdrawal of Certificates (without expiry date) Issued to Training Providers
Notice No. R. 12 of 2019
Ergonomics Regulations, 2018
Notice No. R. 1589 of 2019
1. Definitions
2. Scope of application
3. Information, instruction and training
4. Duties of persons who may be at risk of exposure to ergonomic risks
5. Duties of designers, manufacturers, importers and suppliers
6. Ergonomic risk assessment
7. Risk control
8. Medical surveillance
9. Maintenance of controls
10. Records
11. Ergonomics health and safety technical committee
12. Offences and penalties
13. Short title and commencement
Annexure 1 : Explanatory Notes to Ergonomics Regulations 2019
Regulation 2: Scope of Application
Regulation 3: Information, Instruction and Training
Regulation 4: Duties of those who may be at risk of exposure to ergonomic risks
Regulation 5: Duties of Designers, Manufacturers, Importers and Suppliers
Regulation 6: Ergonomics Risk Assessment
Regulation 7: Risk Control
Regulation 8: Medical Surveillance
Regulation 9: Maintenance of Controls
Regulation 10: Records
Regulation 11: Ergonomics Health and Safety Technical Committee
Asbestos Abatement Regulations, 2020
Notice No. R. 1196 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Scope of application
3. Identification of asbestos in place
4. Inventory of asbestos in place
5. Asbestos risk assessment
6. Asbestos management plan
7. Information, instruction and training
8. Duties of persons who may be exposed
9. Control of exposure to asbestos
10. Notification of asbestos work
11. Duties of asbestos client for asbestos work
12. Duties of registered asbestos contractor for asbestos work
13. Duties of approved inspection authorities for asbestos work
14. Disputes
15. Plan of work
16. Air monitoring
17. Medical surveillance
18. Regulated asbestos area
19. Personal protective equipment and facilities
20. Labelling and signage
21. Disposal of asbestos
22. Asbestos clearance certificate
23. Records
24. Prohibition
25. Offences and penalties
26. Repeal of regulations
27. Short title
Annexure 1 : Asbestos warning labels and signs
Annexure 2 : Notification of Asbestos Work
Regulations for Hazardous Chemical Agents, 2020
Notice No. R. 280 of 2021
1. Definitions
2. Scope of application
3. Information, instruction and training
4. Duties of persons who may be exposed to hazardous chemical agents
5. Assessment of exposure
6. Air monitoring
7. Medical surveillance
8. Respirator zone
9. Records
10. Control of exposure to hazardous chemical agents
11. Personal protective equipment and facilities
12. Maintenance of control measures
13. Prohibitions
14. Classification of hazardous chemical agents
14A. Safety data sheet
14B. Labelling of hazardous chemical agents
14C. Packaging of hazardous chemical agents
14D. Disclosure of ingredient identity
15. Disposal of hazardous chemical agents
16. Offences and penalties
17. Repeal of regulations
18. Short title and commencement
Annexure 1
Table 1: GHS Hazard Classes - Physical Hazards
Table 2: GHS Hazard Classes - Health Hazards
Table 3: GHS Hazard Classes - Environmental Hazards*
Table 4: Identity of Ingredients to be disclosed
Table 5: Generic names used to disclose Identity of Ingredients
Annexure 2
Table 1: Prohibited Hazardous Chemical Agents
Table 2: Occupational Exposure Limits - Maximum Limits for Hazardous Chemical Agents
Table 3: Occupational Exposure Limits - Restricted Limits for Hazardous Chemical Agents
Table 4: Biological Exposure Indices (BEIs) for Hazardous Chemical Agents
Annexure 3 : Hazardous Chemical Agent Guidelines
Prevention and control of exposure
Guidance on medical surveillance and biological monitoring
Medical surveillance
Important concepts
Medical surveillance and biological monitoring
Designing and implementing a programme of medical surveillance
Work-related findings
Actions by the employer if an occupational disease is identified
Legal duties prescribed for a medical practitioner* if an occupational disease is identified
Biological monitoring
Distinction between biological monitoring, biological exposure monitoring and biological effect monitoring
Objectives and uses of biological exposure monitoring
Important considerations in biological exposure monitoring
Background to exposure limits
Setting occupation exposure limits
Applying occupational exposure limits
Units of measurement
Occupational exposure limit - control limit: OEL-ML (Table 2 of Annexure 2)
Occupational exposure limit - restricted limit: OEL-RL (Table 3)
Long-term and short-term exposure limits
Limitations to the application of exposure limits
Exposure in mines
Lead and asbestos
Particle size selective criteria for sampling of total airborne particulate and respirable particulate
Wood dust
Absorption through the skin
Other factors
Mixed exposures
Effects of mixed exposures
Assessment and control
Monitoring mixed exposure
Complicating factors
Monitoring exposure
Calculation of exposure with regard to the specified reference periods
The 8-hour reference period
The short-term reference period
Example where the short-term reference period is 15 minutes
Methods of measurement and calculation for determining fibre concentrations of man-made mineral fibres
Refactory ceramic fibre (RCF)
Cotton dust
Cotton dust less fly
Cotton dust inhalable airborne particulate
Rubber fume and rubber process dust
Flour dust
Grain dust
Halogeno-platinum compounds
Globally Harmonised System (GHS)
UN number and proper shipping name
Commercial Diving Regulations, 2022
Notice No. R. 2091 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Scope of application
3. Registration
4. Withdrawal of registration
5. Plant and machinery
6. Risk assessment
7. Medical surveillance
8. Designated medical practitioners
9. Information, instruction and training
10. Control of commercial diving operations
11. Training standards, assessment criteria and codes of practice
12. Duties of client
13. Duties of employer
14. Duties of registered commercial diving schools
15. Duties of persons involved in commercial diving
16. Commercial diving supervisor and instructor
17. Commercial diver
18. Line attendant
19. Life-support technician and life-support supervisor
20. Systems technician
21. Recompression chamber operations
22. Records
23. Notification of commercial diving project
24. Diving Technical Committee
25. Prohibitions
26. Fees payable
27. Offences and penalties
28. Repeal
29. Short title and commencement
Annexure A: Minimum details required for personal logbooks (Parts 1 to 6)
Part 1 - Offshore Divers
Part 2 - Commercial Divers
Part 3 - Offshore Diving Supervisors
Part 4 - Diving Supervisors
Part 5 - Chamber Operator Logbook
Part 6 - Life-Support Technician's Logbook
Annexure B: Minimum details required for diving operations records (Parts 1 to 5)
Part 1 - Offshore Diving Operations
Part 2 - Commercial Diving Operations
Part 3 - Saturation Chamber Record
Part 4 - Saturation Bell Operations
Part 5 - Air Chamber Record
Annexure C: Minimum details for training records (Parts 1 and 2)
Part 1 - Training Programme Master Record
Part 2 - Training Programme Personal File
Annexure D: Diving operations: Minimum Personnel Required (Parts 1 and 2)
Part 1 - Commercial diving operations
Part 2 - Class VI and Class V diving operations
Annexure E: Notification of diving project
Annexure F: Registration Form
Inshore Code of Practice for Commercial Diving
Legal Status of this Code
Objectives of this Code
1. Scope of application
2. Deviation from the code
3. Exclusions
4. Alternatives
5. Operations Manual
6. Employer - employee relationships
7. Relationship between employer and Diving Medical Practitioner
8. The Diving Supervisor (see also regulation 16)
9. Operations
10. Diving Equipment
11. Task related equipment
12. Control of diving operations
13. Personnel
14. Special operational conditions
15. Training facilities
16. Student to Instructor Ratio
Regulations for Hazardous Biological Agents, 2022
Notice No. R. 1887 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Scope of application
3. Classification of biological agents
4. Information, instruction and training
5. Duties of persons who might be exposed to HBAs
6. Risk assessment for HBAs
7. Exposure monitoring of HBAs
8. Medical surveillance
9. Records
10. Prevention and control of exposure to HBAs
11. Personal protective equipment and facilities
12. Maintenance and verification of control measures, plant machinery and facilities
13. Prohibitions
14. Labelling, packaging, transporting and storage
15. Disposal of HBAs
16. HBAs health and safety technical committee
17. Offenses and penalties
18. Withdrawal of regulations
19. Short title
Annexure A: Categorisation of Biological Agents according to Risk Group
Annexure B: Biohazard Sign
Major Hazard Installation Regulations, 2022
Notice No. R. 2989 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Scope of application
3. Management of establishment
4. Notification of establishment
5. Registration of establishment
6. Duration of registration and renewal
7. Alteration to particulars of registered establishment
8. Revocation or suspension of registration
9. Sharing of information with adjacent establishments
10. Risk assessment
11. Major incident prevention policy
12. Safety report
13. Licence to operate
14. General duties of local government
15. Emergency plan
16. Reporting of risk and emergency occurrences
17. Information and training
18. General duties of suppliers
19. Payable fees
20. MHI Advisory Committee
21. Approved inspection authorities
22. Duties of approved inspection authority
23. Closure
24. Offences and penalties
25. Repeal of regulations
26. Short title and commencement
Annexure A : Dangerous substances to which these Regulations apply
Chapter 1 : Named Dangerous Substances
Chapter 2 : Categories of Dangerous Substances
Chapter 3 : Classification of pipelines as major hazard establishment
Annexure B : Fees for registration and renewal of a certificate
Annexure C : Major Incident Prevention Policy
Annexure D : Safety Reports
Annexure E : AIA Reports
Form A - Notification of an Establishment
Form B - Application for Registration as approved Installation Inspection Authority
Explosives Regulations, 2024
Notice No. R. 5048 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Scope of application
3. Authorised and classified explosives
4. Licensing of explosives workplaces
5. Non-detonatable and non-sensitised explosives
6. Danger area
7. Danger buildings
8. Safeguarding of explosives workplace
9. Design, construction and manufacture
10. Importation of explosives
11. Safety distances
12. Supervision of explosives workplace
13. Safe handling of explosives
14. Emergencies
15. Incidents
16. Closure of explosives workplaces
17. National Explosives Council
18. Approved inspection authorities
19. Competencies and standards of training
20. Offences and penalties
21. Repeal and savings
22. Short title
Radio Frequency Device Guidelines
1. Acronyms and Abbreviations
2. Referenced and Applicable Documents
3. Definitions
4. Scope of Application
5. Assessment of RF Devices
6. Procedure determining Exclusion Distances
7. Examples determining Exclusion Distances
8. Risk Assessment
9. Training of Personnel
10. Explosive Manager Authorisation
11. Notifications to the Department of Employment and Labour
12. Appendix 1 : Radio frequency sources to be evaluated
13. Appendix 2 : Calculation Spreadsheet
Occupational Exposure Limit for Silica in Table I of the Hazardous Chemical Substances Regulations
Notice No. 66 of 2010
Notice of Inclusion in terms of Section 43(1)(b)(xii)
Notice No. 758 of 2015
Amended Notice of Direction in terms of Section 27(2) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, read with Regulation 3(4) of the General Safety Regulations
Notice No. 682 of 2020
Implementation of Ergonomics Risk Assessment and Medical Surveillance in terms of Regulations 6 and 8 of the Ergonomics Regulations of 2019, respectively
Notice No. 683 of 2020
Notice of Direction in terms of Section 27(2) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, read with Regulation 3(4) of the General Safety Regulations
Notice No. R. 328 of 2021
Notice regarding implementation of Regulations 14, 14A, 14B, 14C and 14D of the Regulations for Hazardous Chemical Agents, 2021, as amended
Notice No. 2056 of 2022
Notice regarding Implementation of Regulation 8 of the Commercial Diving Regulations, 2022
Notice No. R. 2241 of 2022
Notice of Direction in terms of Section 27(2) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, read with Regulation 3(11) of the Commercial Diving Regulations - Renewal of Diving entities previously issued by the Department of Employment and Labour
Notice No. R. 2242 of 2022
Schedule of Fees to register entities with Department of Employment and Labour as from 1 July 2022
Notice No. R. 2317 of 2022
Code of Practice
Diving Regulations, 2009
Code of Practice for Inshore Diving
Notice No. 1235 of 2017
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Target community
1.3 Status of this Code
1.4 Deviation from the code
1.5 Work covered by the code
1.6 Implementation
1.7 Updating
2. Definitions
3. Organisation
3.1 The Client
3.2 The Diving Contractor
3.3 Manuals and procedures
3.4 The Diving Supervisor
3.5 The Divers
3.6 Level 2 Designated Medical Practitioners
4. Operations
4.1 Work planning
4.2 Emergency and contingency plans
4.3 Working periods
4.4 Documentation
5. Diving Equipment
5.1 Equipment location and integrity
5.2 Diving equipment
5.3 Divers' breathing gas supply
5.4 Safety equipment
6. Task related equipment
7. Control of diving operations
8. Personnel
8.1 Training and competence - General
8.2 Training and competence - Rescue and first aid
8.3 Training and competence - Safety and technical
8.4 Number of personnel and team size
8.5 Readiness and availability of personnel
8.6 In-date personnel
9. Medical
9.1 Designated Medical Practitioners
9.2 Occupational Health Personnel
9.3 Medical certification
9.4 Medical records
9.5 Fitness on the day of diving
9.6 Fitness screening
9.7 Medical alert tag
9.8 Medical equipment on site
9.9 Other medical and physiological considerations
10. Special operational conditions
10.1 Night diving
10.2 Water intakes, discharges and differential pressure environments
10.3 Restricted surface visibility
10.4 Underwater currents
10.5 Diving near ROV operations
10.6 Underwater obstructions
10.7 Risks from the environment
10.8 Transportation through the air-water interface
10.9 Transportation through the air-water interface
10.10 Hazardous mechanisms
10.11 Use of explosives
10.12 Liveboating
10.13 Deep diving
10.14 Diving in contaminated waters
10.15 Diving in confined spaces
11. Records
11.1 General
11.2 Planned maintenance records
Driven Machinery Regulations, 2015 : Commercial Zip line and Aerial Adventure Parks
Notice No. R. 1399 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Scope
3. Permission to operate
4. Design and construction
5. Erection
6. Requirements for Steel wire rope
7. Design Factors
8. Trees as Anchors on Zippers and aerial adventure parks
9. Safety Equipment
10. Operation
11. Performance Testing
12. Training and Maintenance
13. Records
14. Safety Briefing
Annexure A : Permit to use a Zipline/Aerial Adventure Park
National Code of Practice for Electrical Machinery in Hazardous Locations
Regulatory requirements for explosion-protected apparatus
Notice No. 2398 of 2022
1. Scope
2. Normative references
3. Definitions and abbreviations
4. Regulatory requirements for explosion-protected equipment
5. Approved standards, test laboratories and certification bodies
6. Other certification schemes - Operation and acceptability of certificates
7. Apparatus marking
Annex A (normative) : Upgrading and maintenance of EPA certificates for factories
Annex B (normative) : Approved standards, test laboratories and certification for EPA
Annex C (informative) : Marking of electrical apparatus for use in explosive atmospheres
Annex D (normative) : Minimum requirements for certification of second-hand Ex equipment without an IA certificate
Annex E (informative) : Frequently asked questions regarding certification requirements for equipment forming part of intrinsically safe loops
Annex F (normative) : Minimum requirements for an Accredited Test Laboratory to be approved
Annex G (normative) : Validity of IA certificates
Guidance Notes
Driven Machinery Regulations, 2015
Notice No. R. 288 of 2017
1. Definitions
2. Scope of application
3. Revolving machinery
4. Circular saws
5. Band saws and band knives
6. Wood-planing machines
7. Wood-moulding and mortising machines
8. Sanding machines
9. Grinding machines
10. Shears, guillotines and presses
11. Slitting machines
12. Mixing, agitating and similar machines
13. Rolls and calender rolls
14. Washing machines, centrifugal extractors, etc.
15. Air compressors
16. Refrigeration and air-conditioning installations
17. Transportation plants
18. Lifting machines, hand-powered lifting devices and lifting tackle
19. Approval and registration of lifting machinery entity
20. Approval and registration of training providers
21. Withdrawal of approval and registration of lifting machinery entity or training provider
22. Offences and penalties
23. Repeal of regulations and transitional provisions
24. Short title and commencement
Electrical Installations Regulations, 2009
Notice 258 of 2012
1. Introduction
2. The definitions and the regulations
2.1 Regulation 2 - Responsiblity for electrical installations
2.2 Regulation 3 - Approved inspection authorities for electrical installations
2.3 Regulation 4 - Functions of approved inspection authorities for electrical installations
2.4 Regulation 5 - Design and construction
2.5 Regulation 6 - Electrical contractor
2.6 Regulation 7 - Certificate of compliance
2.7 Regulation 8 - Commencement and permission to connect installation work
2.8 Regulation 9 - Issuing of certificate of compliance
2.9 Regulation 10 - Disputes
2.10 Regulation 11 - Application for registration as a registered person
2.11 Regulation 12 - Withdrawal of registration and approval
2.12 Regulation 13 - Substitution of lost, damaged or destroyed certificate
2.13 Regulation 14 - Fees payable
2.14 Regulation 15 - Offences and penalties
2.15 Regulation 16 - Repeal of regulations
2.16 Regulation 17 - Short title and commencement
3. Annexures
4. Telephone List
Lift, Escalator and Passenger Conveyor Regulations, 2010
Notice No. 763 of 2015
1. Definitions
2. Scope of Application
3. Permission to Install and Use
4. Design and Construction
5. Particulars of Lifts, Escalators and Passenger Conveyors
6. Inspection and Tests
7. Maintenance
8. Record Keeping
9. Approved Inspection Authority
10. Offences and Penalties
11. Repeal of Regulations and Savings
Template A : Report of a Defective Lift, Escalator, Passenger Conveyor
Template B : Appointment of Competent Lift Service Provider
Pressure Equipment Regulations, 2009
Notice No. 1265 of 2017
Regulation 1 - Definitions
Regulation 2 - Scope of Application
Regulation 3 - General Requirements
Regulation 4 - Duties of Manufacturers
Regulation 5 - Duties of Importers and Suppliers
Regulation 6 - Duties of Users
Regulation 7 - Approval and Duties of Approved Inspection Authority
Regulation 8 - Registration of a Steam Generator
Regulation 9 - Pressure Equipment Marking
Regulation 10 - Pressure and Safety Accessories
Regulation 11 - Inspection and Test
Regulation 12 - Risk Based Inspection
Regulation 13 - Repairs and Modifications
Regulation 14 - Records
Regulation 15 - Access
Regulation 16 - Door Interlocks
Regulation 17 - Gas Reticulation Equipment and Systems
Regulation 18 - Transportable Gas Containers
Regulation 19 - Fire Extinguisher
Regulation 20 - Offences and Penalties
Regulation 21 - Repeal of Regulations and Annexure
Regulation 22 - Short Title
Incorporation of Safety Standards : Lift, Escalator and Passenger Converyor Regulations, 2010
Notice No. 2683 of 2022
Integration of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1995
Notice No. R. 45 of 1995
1. Definitions
2. Health and safety representatives and committees
3. Inspectors
4. Exemptions
5. Prohibited work
6. Reports to inspectors and chief inspectors
7. Records to be kept by employers
8. Pending investigations
9. Pending prosecutions
10. Electrical installations
11. Registered factories, boilers, lifts, escalators and passenger conveyors
12. Compulsory notification to regional director or divisional inspector
means at or about zero potential and isolated from any live system;
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